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    Symbol Of Avarice to be given to me or traded please. Resolved


    Posts : 9
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    Join date : 2012-08-11

    Symbol Of Avarice to be given to me or traded please. Resolved Empty Symbol Of Avarice to be given to me or traded please. Resolved

    Post by DarthMcFaiger Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:59 pm

    I am seeking a Symbol Of Avarice badly, not sure I have much to trade aside from some titanite I don't use unless some kind soul can give me the symbol for free. I am on Xbox and my tag is DarthMcFaiger, level 109 on new game plus. I usually do my trading in Undead Burg, the bonfire below the Hellkite bridge, there is an archer and a tiny room below him is where I leave my sign to be summoned for trades etc. Seriously want this damn thing so please if you have one and I don't check this please send my a friend request or an Xbox message.

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