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    Bleed Damage and Lifehunt question


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    Bleed Damage and Lifehunt question Empty Bleed Damage and Lifehunt question

    Post by Ghadis_God Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:37 pm

    So, we know that the bleed buildup between weapons can vary slightly, but the damage is always 30% of the opponent's maximum health, except for Lifehunt weapons, which take away 50%. But my question is about when you use two different bleed damages, a lifehunt and a normal, to build up the opponent's meter. Say I'm using the Chaos blade with the LH scythe as backup. While fighting and knowing that the enemy's bleed buildup is high, can I switch to the LHS and pop them once for a full 50% of their life? Or does the bleed damage rely on what built it up the most? Or will there be a "compromise" damage between 50 and 30% based on the amount of buildup done with each weapon? In other words, does the bleed damage only matter for the last hit, or is it calculated throughout the buildup?

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    Bleed Damage and Lifehunt question Empty Re: Bleed Damage and Lifehunt question

    Post by Seignar Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:39 pm

    Bleed damage is ultimately based on the bleed damage modifier of the weapon that filled the last ounce of the gauge.

    You could smack all day at someone with a weapon with only say 100 bleed, but if you hit the final build up with 1 tiny little smack of Priscilla's Dagger, you will take 50% of their HP.

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    Bleed Damage and Lifehunt question Empty Re: Bleed Damage and Lifehunt question

    Post by ICEFANG Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:45 pm

    Last weapon hit does the bleed damage, 100% sure.
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    Bleed Damage and Lifehunt question Empty Re: Bleed Damage and Lifehunt question

    Post by Tolvo Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:39 am

    As they've said, last weapon to hit does the bleed. It's an old trick, build it up with say a bandit's knife, then switch to the Lifehunt. Just make sure you can figure out how much bleed you're doing with your weapon.

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    Bleed Damage and Lifehunt question Empty Re: Bleed Damage and Lifehunt question

    Post by Ghadis_God Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:33 pm

    Alright, thanks guys! I just wanted to be sure.

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