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    [PSN] Lord Gwyn's Guardians


    Posts : 9
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    Join date : 2012-08-20

    [PSN] Lord Gwyn's Guardians Empty [PSN] Lord Gwyn's Guardians

    Post by Artorias_Abysswalker Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:57 am

    Clan Lore: (Will work on)
    Clan Objectives: Co-op, and PVP Co-op. Players can join if they are willing to help those to get to higher levels for and until NG ++++++.If you want to lower chances of invasions, lag stabs, Afking, Suiciding or bad players and hatemail, i suggest this clan. (For example, Sunbros and Princess Guard Covenants would perfer this)
    Accepted Covenants: Princess Guard, Warrior of Sunlight and if convienent Way of White or Darkwraith.
    Code of Conduct & Honour 7: (any suggestion to change?)
    - Do not bow if you dont have to, bow if your dueler is bowing to create telepathy.
    _ No 2vs1, 3vs1, unless otherwise or player does not show telepathy as above.
    _ If you invade, only invade as Darkwraith or if your part of Cov. Way of White.
    - When in a present session, if the Host decides to end it, you must both agree or host sends a message to that member saying so.
    - Healing in any gameplay is encouraged, Divine Blessings should not be duped.
    - Show patience and respect if your being assisted by a member.
    - Invaders, using teamplay unless invader does not show telepathy shows no respect, should and will be defeated.
    Rankings: (any suggestion to change?)
    Ex: [Your PSNID Name] - [Title](Titles only reserved for Elite Members.)
    * 1. Commanders - (I or anyone i pick)

    * 2. Elite - (Members with special privledge advised by the Commander.)

    * 3. Veteran - (New members that can be promoted by the Elite members, they can take part in special events.) (any suggestion to change?)

    * 4. Novice - (Promoted by Veteran or Elite, and can not participate in special events)

    * 5. Members that are new to the clan can tryout, all though certain amount of hours should be considered until becoming a Novice member. (Veteran members, Elite members and anyone else privledged by a higher ranked member can invite new members that wish to tryout.) (any suggestion to change?)

    Conclusion: If anyone enjoys good PVP or challenging a boss in NG+, (encouraged) i would suggest this clan for newer players willing to make some time and commitment and or those that can help any other Soul Level progress. Verse this with players that will ruin your progress, that i have implied is quite common with free lance players, this makes members more willing to make the commitment to the clan. I advise those that are wishing to help other members will stick to the games original (Default) style of gameplay, and roleplay is welcomed.

    This clan has no level ristrictions. Enjoy

    Posts : 2042
    Reputation : 33
    Join date : 2012-05-08
    Age : 29
    Location : Maryland, United States of America

    [PSN] Lord Gwyn's Guardians Empty Re: [PSN] Lord Gwyn's Guardians

    Post by SunlightCrusader Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:00 am

    The Protectors of Lord Gwyn already exist my friend. The name of your cov is very similar....

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 4:29 pm