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    Gravelord Nito *spoilers*


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    Gravelord Nito *spoilers* Empty Gravelord Nito *spoilers*

    Post by menzinho Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:38 pm

    Ok, Nito is a total badass if you ask me, not only because he is the god of freakin' death... but also because he is a genius... check this out

    Gravelord Nito, according to the intro, is the first of the dead (NOT UNDEAD!! i'll clarify the difference in a minute) meaning that the first beings that died coupled together and (maybe) by the will of nature, formed our dear Gravelord, as seen, also, in the intro cinematic, ok, so here we go...

    Nito had ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to help Gwyn and the Witches out, so why did he? why did the master of death helped the giants (i'll call Gwyn and gang like this) to defeat the dragons if either way the ultimate victor would be him? (because you know, everybody would die and he would have lots of pretty skeletons to serve him), this is my theory:
    The dragons were Everlasting, meaning immortal, meaning time won't kill them (try shooting the everlasting dragon in ash lake to see what happens smart guy) meaning that if the giants were defeated, Nito would be rendered obsolete, since no one else would die, and he would wither away, so he jumped in and released his army of skeletons along with the miasma in the face of the dragons.

    Ok, so we know by far that those who acquired the Lord souls became gods (hell maybe even the pygmy did, but we don't know that) and by all means, Nito was the first one to discover a soul, meaning he was the first God of Lordran :shock: death itself...
    Ok dragons dead and all Nito grabbed his lord soul and retreated to his underground lair, and from here on not much is known aside from the fact that a bunch of dudes tried to steal his power (via effigy shield descrip)... and succeed...

    "One of the three masks of the Pinwheel, the necromancer who stole the power of the Gravelord, and reigns over the Catacombs.
    This mask, belonging to the kindly mother, slightly raises HP."

    Above we see the descrip of the Mask of the Mother, and is stated pretty clear that the Gravelord and the Pinwheel are not buddies, they STOLE the power they have (but let's agree... was not very usefull even to beat you...) so... Nito is being held prisoner in his own house, constantly besieged by that group of necromancers who are wrongly using his powers.

    not much from there, only that you show up and ***** slap him to take his soul, but here is the biggest beef i've see so far... is Nito responsible for the curse of the undead? the answer is NO, HE IS NOT DAMN IT, and this is why...

    First of all, Nito is the lord of the DEAD, not the undead, and the difference is, an undead, is a human who lost his humanity, and went for the cookies, becoming completely insane, to the point of not even speaking anymore, just a husk of his former self, a DEAD in the other hand (skeletons) is a human or any living creature who died, and was buried. To me, in Lordran, to die is not to end a life, is to start another as a servant of the Gravelord, meaning an undead is an abomination to the world and nature itself, they are a result of the constant harvesting of their humanities (maybe by the gods or maybe by the Drakwraiths i'm not 100% sure) meaning poor Nito is losing his power thanks to that, something that opened the door to entities such as the pinwheels to lock him away and steal his power.

    But the main diference between the Dead and the Undead is that the Dead maintain their humanity (or develop new ones) the main proof of this is the baby skeletons, a useful source of humanity, so basically in Lordran when you die, you are born again, as a baby skeleton, but if you died with no humanity, your body will wither away, and you will not become a little skeleton, meaning less servants for Nito

    i hope that clears out some things, praise the sun cheers peace out

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    Gravelord Nito *spoilers* Empty Re: Gravelord Nito *spoilers*

    Post by SEANB240 Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:01 pm

    Nice! Your post just gave me an idea...

    So Pinwheel stole Nito's power, but he still has the Lord soul, so I'm guessing this refers to the skeleton-style necromancy. Nito, while called the "first of the dead", could be sort of an aggregate or pile of the first dead rather than the first singular guy to die. Basically a mass grave's worth of pre-fire people who died of exposure, disease, etc. and rose as one being.

    Could it be that the mask of the Mother, Father and Child are masks of the first three, the first family, to die and Nito, while a singular character, had these masks before they, too, were stolen by Pinwheel? Could the three worn in unison be a source of this power?

    I really liked and agree with your idea about the flame taking power away from Nito, very good point. As for the baby skeleton thing, I think these are just the skeletons of dead kids ( 😢 ) to be honest. I think if you are allowed to die a true death, your humanity probably returns to the Abyss.


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    Gravelord Nito *spoilers* Empty Re: Gravelord Nito *spoilers*

    Post by menzinho Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:07 pm

    hmmm, well all there is just a big BIG maybe, but i see your point, about the masks and all, in fact that could be the case, since each mask has a special property.

    another fact i forgot to mention, Nito's light, the darkness that covers the tomb of giants almost completely... except for the part where the pinwheel gang is located, also notice how they all carry lanterns, maybe Nito's light is more than just a thick fog of darkness?

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