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    (Help) GFWL unable to connect


    Posts : 1
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    Join date : 2012-08-26

    (Help) GFWL unable to connect  Empty (Help) GFWL unable to connect

    Post by zandr Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:14 am

    As the title says I have
    been having a problem with GFWL, It seems that I can't connect to the
    service not matter what I do it's always "The profile could not be
    signed in to LIVE, there maybe a network problem or the windows live ID
    service is not available" . I've spent hours trying various fixes with
    still not luck, I'd appreciate any suggestion.

    And here's a screen shot of the network status:

      Current date/time is Thu Jan 16, 2025 4:25 pm