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    Lost my save?


    Posts : 45
    Reputation : 8
    Join date : 2012-08-24

    Lost my save? Empty Lost my save?

    Post by Purity Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:22 pm

    So, game was very messy, had some trouble to get it going, but once I managed to get everything working it was amazing, played exactly like the ps3 version.. so I played for 2 hours, then left.

    As I started again, noticed my games for windows live TAG was some default one, so I changed it, played for 6 more hours, nonstop.. was very happy about the game.. I actually hit quit(to the start menu) and loaded a couple of times when I needed a pause... Then when I was done, I closed the game AFTER quitting to the menu.....

    Now I open it and there's no save file?

    It's probably because of the gamer tag switch........... are you serious? What an horrible service this windows thing is.. Honestly, haven't seen anything like this happening in any other game. makes me rage because I had even killed capra and the butterfly for the embers.... raaaaage.

    Posts : 45
    Reputation : 8
    Join date : 2012-08-24

    Lost my save? Empty Re: Lost my save?

    Post by Purity Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:28 pm

    Check in your My Documents folder, under NBGI\DarkSouls. It's likely still there in the folder for the previous gamertag. You can move it to the right one and it will work just fine with the other account.

    Ok, so I read that on the xbox forums, did it and it worked... Still, annoyed me a lot, hope I don't run into any other problem with this terrible games for windows live.

    What an awful experience this has been, had never used it, thought people were probably just hating.... but no, it really is terrible. I just want to play Dark Souls, leave me alone microsoft.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:26 pm