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    sl 100 and vit


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    sl 100 and vit Empty sl 100 and vit

    Post by fujiphoenix Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:42 pm

    So at sl 120, most people stop at 40 vit. But with the new sl 100, what should be my minimum so I don't get steamrolled in the arena?

    Edit: Also, what should I am for with poise? Is it still 53, or did the gs speed nerf make it lower?

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    sl 100 and vit Empty Re: sl 100 and vit

    Post by SnailsAndSlugs Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:07 pm

    I still shoot for 40 vit and at least 30 end. Preferably still 40/40 if it's melee. People seem to have lower poise now due to the DWGR nerf. It's amazing how many people I've been stunlocking with a shotel R2 attack (1 handed). The easiest way to get 53 poise now IMO is to use RoFaP + wolf ring and some light-medium armor.

    In any case, I'm not sure this SL-99 thing is gonna stick. I've been PvPing mostly at kiln and most people are SL105-120 based on the souls I'm winning. The arena kind of sucks. It takes forever to get dropped into a fight and seems kind of dead, so I think invading will remain the #1 method of PvP.

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    sl 100 and vit Empty Re: sl 100 and vit

    Post by TonyDamajer Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:44 pm

    Just get your build ready to work with your main attrubutes and dumb the remaining ones in vit/end.
    It really depends on your build in terms of how many points are left to spend on vit/end.
    If you use a weapon without scaling and pyromancy you can get skyhigh vit/end while dex/int builds wont be left with much in comparison.
    My lvl 100 int build is going to have 32-40 vit and 22-30 endurance (still 20lvls to go... ill figure as I lvl up)

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    sl 100 and vit Empty Re: sl 100 and vit

    Post by fujiphoenix Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:40 am

    I want to use the abyss greatsword. Right now I'm planning on 37 str, and 27 dex. I have 22 vit with the ring of FaP. That gives me 1018 hp. Should I cut down on the str and dex? I want to do good damage, but I need more health I think.
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    sl 100 and vit Empty Re: sl 100 and vit

    Post by RANT Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:12 am

    you picked the worse weapon to make a build for at sl 100, i would do something like this hope it helps. i always go for 40 vit and only have one build with 50 vit.

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    sl 100 and vit Empty Re: sl 100 and vit

    Post by fujiphoenix Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:35 am

    Ill probably go for sl 150 then. I realized it was a terrible choice for a 100 build lol.

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    sl 100 and vit Empty Re: sl 100 and vit

    Post by nsane32 Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:50 am

    the PC will probably not get very many player unfortunately as the game is for more popular on the PS3 and XB
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    sl 100 and vit Empty Re: sl 100 and vit

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:55 am

    Heh, what's up my ninjas? Oh ****... EAST WOOD GRAIN RING on my build? Aww yeah!
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    sl 100 and vit Empty Re: sl 100 and vit

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:08 pm

    I'd personally shoot for 30 vit to be honest. As long as you use the rest of your stats to maximise power output, you'll easily outweigh the measly extra 200hp you get from those 10 levels.

    for poise, you'll inevitably have to shoot for lower unless you still go to 40 end, which will take up a hell of a lot of your levels. It'll just depend on your build really but obviously just get the highest poise you can whilst maintaining a fast roll and you'll be okay

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    sl 100 and vit Empty Re: sl 100 and vit

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:02 pm

    SL 100 is a good level for pure stat builds, like pure Vit, Str, Dex, Int or Faith. Try having minimum 40 Vit with fap ring and 40 of Str or Dex, 45 Int or 50 Faith. You could do a hybrid but it's very difficult for SL 100.

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    sl 100 and vit Empty Re: sl 100 and vit

    Post by TonyDamajer Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:13 pm

    I wanted to use the abyss sword on the first character I made but then i too realized that it will be lackluster at lvl 100 and stopped playing him becouse my obsidian greatsword would outdamage the abyss sword until i would reach like lvl 120 and not invest much in end/vit

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