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    Best place AND level to invade? (I'm 45 and I want to level up, I don't know the PvP hotspots)


    Posts : 2388
    Reputation : 135
    Join date : 2012-01-17
    Location : Eye of Terror

    Best place AND level to invade? (I'm 45 and I want to level up, I don't know the PvP hotspots) Empty Best place AND level to invade? (I'm 45 and I want to level up, I don't know the PvP hotspots)

    Post by ChizFreak Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:18 pm


    I'm 45 right now with my Ciaran build. But I'm already tired of invading in Anor Londo and the Forest all the time. I can mix some Ariamis invasions, but still. I want to level up. But I don't want to be unable to invade. So, please recommend me a higher level to stop on, I have 500k souls so I guess that I can get to 90 or so.

    I love this build and I record invasions and upload them to YouTube so I want to be careful when leveling.

    Good levels and places for invasions (above 45)? PvP hotspots (level and place)?

    Is arena worth a try? I know it's divided from 1-50 and from 51-100 so maybe that's why I have troubles finding (because maybe most people are above 50 and I'm 45) matches there? Best platform to find fast matches?

    Thanks in advance.

    Posts : 120
    Reputation : 6
    Join date : 2012-02-14
    Age : 33
    Location : Germany

    Best place AND level to invade? (I'm 45 and I want to level up, I don't know the PvP hotspots) Empty Re: Best place AND level to invade? (I'm 45 and I want to level up, I don't know the PvP hotspots)

    Post by TonyDamajer Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:41 pm

    you get alot of invasions next to the oolacile township bonfire if you leave manus alive.
    There were quite some ppl at lvl 120 there waiting for invasions and I had some nice battles with those. I was invading at lvl 85

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