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    Discussing coliseum brackets and hacks


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    Discussing coliseum brackets and hacks  Empty Discussing coliseum brackets and hacks

    Post by martyrsbrigade99 Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:16 am

    Hello all,

    I've had a few discussions with people as to why many players are capping their builds off at lvl 100. Most of them say that they stop at lvl 100 because of the coliseum brackets. Well, here's my perspective on brackets and why 100 should not necessarily be the new cap. Part 2 covers the issue of hackers/cheaters during online gameplay, enjoy!

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

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    Discussing coliseum brackets and hacks  Empty Re: Discussing coliseum brackets and hacks

    Post by dr_calamitus Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:08 am

    your right in every aspect there, i also am in the same position as you, and i dont want to spend a while farming souls or farming ng+ for slabs over and over. but as for using the hacks to benifit you in pvp in ways that are not possible by pouring hours into the game, then imo, gtfo

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    Post by WNxGrEeK Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:18 am

    I am a huge fan of your YouTube channel and always listen to your pvp advice at the gym so please don't take any of this the wrong way heh.

    I personally like the new level 100 cap because it challenges players to make builds. You have to sacrifice something in order to make your build work and as a result, it makes builds in general a bit more balanced. Above that fighting players that are level 180, 200, ect, yea they get effected by diminishing returns but it takes the uniqueness out of the build because they are well rounded in everything with having no sacrifice in their character creation.

    As for hacking offline to get through the game and getting the best materials quickly to make builds, ect is something I don't agree with. Like I am with you on this, I played this game since it came out and it is a pain in the butt making a character from scratch because of the farming required for the materials but at the same time hacking to get all of this stuff makes it unfair to other pvp players who have to farm. I personally don't know what this trainer can really do but from sound of it someone can quickly make a mage/faith build and push it to ng++++ for multiple copies of spells. Yes, your not really effecting anyone online because your in offline mode but is it fair for everyone else that works hard in making their characters legit? Also if people can use this trainer online it doesn't seem something I can trust people with lol. I know you don't use it online but I can't really depend on people not using it online in pvp either and that is the main reason I don't like the hack trainer.

    All in all, these debatable topics could have been solved if there was some item transferring system in Dark Souls where you can transfer stuff to different characters to reward players that dumped countless hours into the game for getting materials, farming, ect. To this day I still cant believe they haven't implemented something like that and I think if they made the brackets 100-150, then 151+ it would solve the problems with the arena caps 😢 .

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    Post by bloodpixel Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:01 am

    I don't want it to be SL 100 because then I can't use the abyss sword.

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    Post by RCPD_STARS Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:22 am

    I invaded an abyss sword user at sl 76, he was in the 90s... He ended a long streak of mine too if that cheers you up.

    I thoroughly enjoy the 100 cap for the variety and strategy. As the doctor from family guy stated: Can it be both? I think so, I really do.

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    Post by ssss_2_is_pwnage Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:32 pm

    WNxGrEeK wrote:
    As for hacking offline to get through the game and getting the best materials quickly to make builds, ect is something I don't agree with. Like I am with you on this, I played this game since it came out and it is a pain in the butt making a character from scratch because of the farming required for the materials but at the same time hacking to get all of this stuff makes it unfair to other pvp players who have to farm. I personally don't know what this trainer can really do but from sound of it someone can quickly make a mage/faith build and push it to ng++++ for multiple copies of spells. Yes, your not really effecting anyone online because your in offline mode but is it fair for everyone else that works hard in making their characters legit? Also if people can use this trainer online it doesn't seem something I can trust people with lol. I know you don't use it online but I can't really depend on people not using it online in pvp either and that is the main reason I don't like the hack trainer.

    I don't agree that it's unfair, soley for the reason that it's a choice. Hacking was expected, players using it for infinte health, infite stamina, ect, ect was certainly to be expected. I just can't agree that hacking simply for build creation is unfair. Personally, I love the farming in this game, I enjoy creating builds from scratch, soul grinding, material farming. I have found methods that I enjoy and i've used them to create some decently successful builds, that is true, but not everybody enjoys that aspect of the game. The consoles, obviously, has many over used and sometimes abused glitches that benifit the player with 99 divine blessings, 99 of every item in this game, a glitch for infinite souls. Most players who PvP use those glitches to help quickly create builds, myself included at one point, but also it was a choice to use them. I certainly agree that it makes them quicker, but it doesn't usually hinder skill and I believe it should be an option for those who grinding hours for a bunch of chunks to make a few weapon upgrades would ruin the game for. These hacks/glitches open up a lot more options for build creation and testing of different styles of builds. If you spend 30-40 hours creating a build and you find out, after all of that time, that you dislike how you did it.. then what do you get out of it.

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    Discussing coliseum brackets and hacks  Empty Re: Discussing coliseum brackets and hacks

    Post by Glutebrah Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:45 pm

    i don't like using magic so i will cap at SL100, there really isn't a need for me to go past SL100

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