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    The Darkstalkers (new thread)


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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by reim0027 Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:43 pm

    Ok. Here's the beta version of my lore. Please pick it apart and I can either elaborate or elucidate. Warning! Wall o' text!

    AZRAEL (عزرائيل)

    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 AzraelImage

    Name: Azrael (عزرائيل)

    Title: Archangel of Death

    Introduction: Azrael is the embodiment of evil, but not necessarily evil itself. He left the heavens voluntarily (unlike Lucifer), leaving some to question his true allegiance. Is he secretly working for good, as some suspect, or is he merely the right hand arm of Satan? Some have even suggested he worships a secret serpent. But, attempts to find this serpent have repeatedly failed.

    Description: He has many embodiments. His true form remains a mystery. What is known is this. He has billions of eyes, one for every person on Earth. Each time he takes a life, an eye closes.

    One day, he will reach his goal and all of his eyes will close. Only then will we know where his true allegiance lies. The most common form he takes is a hooded/cloaked figure, wielding a powerful Scythe. This is how the "Grim Reaper" lore got started.

    However, most people don't realize the true power of his Scythe. It is able to inflict powerful cuts that never heal. It does this at great cost to its wielder, as it will cut him as well.

    Mission: What he does with the souls is another mystery. Some say he uses them to boost his defenses or keeps the souls and uses them to heal when he is wounded. Others say he gives them to his master to receive valuable rewards and become even more powerful. Every one can agree, however, is that he is loves to kill. He takes great joy in killing the strongest humans, often attacking multiple humans at one time.

    There are very few pictures of Azrael. The following two pictures were recently found. They were found in a remote city that was recently drained.

    pictures of Azrael:

    Interesting facts:


    It seems the more we dig into Azrael's history, the more confused we become. I guess all we can do is wait until his last eye is closed and he finally reveals his true intentions.

    Last edited by reim0027 on Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:16 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by twilightwarwolf Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:05 pm

    wow thats awesome i wish my lore was as good as this.

    EDIT: for his head are you gonna use the dlc head for it? makes sense seeing as no other helm has eyes.

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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by reim0027 Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:17 pm

    I left is open. Since he is a shape shifter, I can use a variety of armor, except I have to use the Witch Cloak. But, I prefer to use hoods for this character. Most likely, his helmet will not show his eyes. Creepier that way.

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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by twilightwarwolf Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:19 pm

    ahh i c nice
    White Knight Wulf
    White Knight Wulf

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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by White Knight Wulf Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:29 pm

    Billy wen u gonna update the titles and corruption
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    Post by billy_bayonet Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:28 pm

    when i can be arsed silly ill do it now
    White Knight Wulf
    White Knight Wulf

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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by White Knight Wulf Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:53 pm

    Ok I have 3 corruption as well billy
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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by billy_bayonet Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:10 pm

    How do you have 3 corruption?
    Tyler Durden
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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by RANT Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:40 pm

    ok this was a pain in the *** and ive never done this so bear with me

    Name: Gabirel

    Role: Messanger of Death(use to be messanger of god)

    after losing faith in god and eons of jealousy towards mankind because of the love god had for them(which for gabriel it seemed like it was more than those 'talking monkeys' deserved), he plots to retrieve the most powerful soul a human has ever had which belonged to one of the most horrible human beigns in history, a man accused of war crimes and cannibalism amongst other things col. hawthorne, with this soul he will obtain the power to kill god and take over heaven, this rage was fueled even more when god stopped talking to him.

    having arrived on earth he tracks down hawthorn's body only to find out an angel by the name of simon who is there in the name of god has already taken it, he follows simon's scent and corners him in a school (but not before simon can hide hawthorn's body in a little girl), gabriel tortures simon but simon would never tell him where he hid the soul, he then rips out simon's heart killing him instantly. thinking he might have hidden the soul in one of the kids in school he comes back the other and plays the trumpeet for them and gives them candy so he can look inside their mouths for the soul, he then finds it but a female and a male get in the way and beign over confident he ends up getting ran over with a truck and has to rest before trying to find them again.

    after waking up and tracking their scent he finds the little girl in a native american ritual to release her of the hoprrible soul, but to his surprise he meets Lucifer and tell him that this war is arrogance which is evil thus making it Lucifer's territory, not gabriels. gabriel not knowing that his lack of faith makes him weak tries to fight Lucifer but Lucifer beign much to strong for him rips out gabriel's heart and devours it.

    having fallen from grace and spending eons in hell he finally escapes and his only though is reveange against those who turned their back on him and all those 'talking monkeys' that dont deserve to exist.
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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:44 pm

    Too easy?

    Yeah, probably too easy. silly

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    Post by twilightwarwolf Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:14 am

    oh pendant poor poor pendant if you want bad ill dhow you mine but only if you want read it and murder it and stab it and nything else you can think of.
    Tyler Durden
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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by RANT Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:25 am

    haters gonna hate.:x

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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by twilightwarwolf Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:26 am

    ya know what imma post anyway just cuz but i will warn you its alil messed up k so bare with me as i dont generally do this

    EDIT: here it is in all its awful glory

    her name is Sunyata it means emptiness but as in void as in an element like the four main (fire water etc btw its the most powerful and generally forgotten)

    my paragraph

    her name is Sunyata it means emptiness but as in void as in an element like the four main.

    my paragraph

    Sunyata was an angel of void as such she was already frowned upon because she used the dark arts but when she heared of a power to kill a god she went off in search of it.At the moment she left for such a power God feared what she would do with it and decieded to kill her.For being an angel of void already meant she was an angel of death but with the power to kill not just one god but gods He couldnt allow her to live.She eventually found such a power it being lifehunt but was only limited to the sycthe and dagger given to her by the by the crossbreed on her dying breath. After what seemed lik an eternity of fights and traveling she came to heaven again to react her revenge but only to find that a war had started.As soon as she found out what it was about she had picked her side. Already wanting revenge for the unjust assault by God and her already grown hatred of humans from her travels made it easy and as such she had sided with the fallen and even gaining ranks because of her power to kill an angel which had been unheard of until then. In the end they had been defeated and were to be sealed of but for her they put her in the deep sealing least that power ever come to rise again they might not be so lucky again. Before they sealed her though with an uncannying smile knowing that she was not destined to stay sealed but to be free by the owner of another power to kill the gods an even stronger power and that power was the power of the dark soul.and thus she was sealed and forgotten by all except the serpent who laid quietly in the dark awaiting his dark master.

    btw this is an edited version so you wouldnt have to suffer the full blown horror.
    White Knight Wulf
    White Knight Wulf

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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by White Knight Wulf Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:28 am

    I beat dan 6 times as well as parried and chain bsed him

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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by reim0027 Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:57 am

    My new build is done and it looks badass. Gold Hemmed Hood, Witch Cloak, Black Sorcerer Gauntlets, and Dark Leggings. I'm rocking a Lifehunt Scythe. And, I can resin glitch buff it (for aesthetics, it doesn't increase damage).

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:31 am

    Ill revise my defiler build for the DLC but this tourney it will be spitting acid and toxic left right and centre.

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    Post by Jovias-86 Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:40 am

    Reim... you could cosplay Azrael so well... happy

    Billy... You there?

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    Post by hageshisa Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:40 am

    All your lifehunt scythes will fall victim for my great scythe >:3 Mohaha

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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by ThatPerson Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:44 am

    And your great scythe will fall to my Lucerene! Or my SK Spear.

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    The Darkstalkers (new thread) - Page 37 Empty Re: The Darkstalkers (new thread)

    Post by DarkW17 Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:57 am

    Soooo trying to catch up here sounds like Billy won the duel with Wyrm? big grin

    Welcome ThatPersona cheers

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:00 am

    And your lucerne will fall to my massive Sword! XD no innuendo!

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    Post by ThatPerson Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:02 am

    But my Lucerene is longer than your sword..

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:03 am it is not

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    Post by hageshisa Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:03 am

    My Great Scythe will make you all suffer for uttering yourselfs like that !! D:

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    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Oct 22, 2012 6:07 am

    It probably will.... though whats with all the scythes.... how many angels appart from Death do you see wielding one?

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