Name: Azrael (عزرائيل)
Title: Archangel of Death
Introduction: Azrael is the embodiment of evil, but not necessarily evil itself. He left the heavens voluntarily (unlike Lucifer), leaving some to question his true allegiance. Is he secretly working for good, as some suspect, or is he merely the right hand arm of Satan? Some have even suggested he worships a secret serpent. But, attempts to find this serpent have repeatedly failed.
Description: He has many embodiments. His true form remains a mystery. What is known is this. He has billions of eyes, one for every person on Earth. Each time he takes a life, an eye closes.
One day, he will reach his goal and all of his eyes will close. Only then will we know where his true allegiance lies. The most common form he takes is a hooded/cloaked figure, wielding a powerful Scythe. This is how the "Grim Reaper" lore got started.
However, most people don't realize the true power of his Scythe. It is able to inflict powerful cuts that never heal. It does this at great cost to its wielder, as it will cut him as well.
Mission: What he does with the souls is another mystery. Some say he uses them to boost his defenses or keeps the souls and uses them to heal when he is wounded. Others say he gives them to his master to receive valuable rewards and become even more powerful. Every one can agree, however, is that he is loves to kill. He takes great joy in killing the strongest humans, often attacking multiple humans at one time.
There are very few pictures of Azrael. The following two pictures were recently found. They were found in a remote city that was recently drained.
- pictures of Azrael:
- Interesting facts:
1. We don't know the actual gender of Azrael. He (or is it she) is a shape shifter, taking on various different forms. Therefore, Azrael could be male, female, or both.
2. The only way we can consistently identify Azrael is by his cloak. It is long, dark purple, open at the waist, and has a tall erect collar. This cloak serves but one purpose. It makes him completely silent while he is hunting.
3. It is said that he will often have a faint aura around him. This aura turns more and more red as he sustains injuries. As the legends tell it, he seems to become more powerful as he gets wounded. Many believe this is connected to the red aura that is sometimes seen.
4. He is able to envelop his enemies in a thin white fog, completely preventing them from healing.
5. He can appear out of nowhere, with little or no warning. Exactly how he does this is unclear, but it is believed he has one of the fabled mystical orbs which allow one to simply disappear into thin air, and reappear at certain locations. There are many of these orbs, but we do not know their origin. Only certain people are able to use them. Those who aren't ready to wield this power end up going insane. They will go mad with rage, and cast the orb upon the rocks, breaking it into several pieces. These pieces can be found all over the world. They can be used by less powerful people, but disintegrate after just one use, thereby making them all but worthless.
- History:
- Little is known about Azrael before he left the heavens. The following is a translation of a scroll found in the mystical land known as wiki. "Some sources have speculated about a connection between Azrael and the human priest Azra. Azra was a scribe and judge over his people, given a collection of laws and punishments from the Archangel Uriel in 2 Esdras, also mentioning he entered heaven "without tasting Death's taint". Depending on various views of that description, it may or may not been seen as Azra ascending to angelic form, which would give him the suffix "el" to denote him as an angelic being, hence "Azrael". Because Azra was a judge, and given power to enforce laws and punishment, Azrael could be seen as an "avenging angel"."
We do know that Azra became disenchanted with his duties in heaven. He constantly wanted more power. It was at this point he discovered a little known world called “Third Heaven. This world was all black and unformed. None could walk upon it without permission, or else they would be absorbed out of existence. This discovery would change Azrael forever.
It is at this point where Azrael's lore becomes obfuscated, and, quite frankly merely speculation.
As mentioned above, there are those that believe Azrael worships a serpent. Their claim is that this serpent, who is known for manipulating people ever since the first man and woman appeared, found a way into Third Heaven, and began to twist and turn Azrael.
Others claim that it was Lucifer himself that turned Azrael. Lucifer had already been cast out of heaven at this point and looked upon Azrael. His intention was to turn Azrael into doing his bidding. This claim states that Lucifer himself showed up in Third Heaven and turned Azrael.
Azrael's deeds were soon discovered however. At this point, it was too late. Azrael had already been turned and no longer avenged only those who broke the laws of heaven. He was overcome with a lust to kill and collect all souls. Before Azrael could face judgement, he left heaven, never to return. We don't know exactly where he went, but it was at this time, he started appearing in worlds and killing every living human he could.
We know that Azrael isn't pure evil. But, many questions arise. First, could this serpent and Lucifer be the same being? We know this serpent has enjoyed manipulating people ever since the first man and woman appeared. We also know that all the manipulations seem to go against the laws of the heavens, and would seem to serve Lucifer. Is this merely a coincidence?
What became of Third Heaven? When Azrael left it, it was still nothing but a black void, unformed.
More importantly, upon further analysis, it seems that Azrael is only killing people in the sinful world of Lordran. He is using his powers obtained from either Lucifer or the serpent to appear in the world, for sure. But, the purpose of many people in Lordran is solely to kill others. They will wait in hiding until someone shows up and mercilessly kill and taunt them. Still others are working for evil, trying to bring out another age of darkness. If that were the case, it may well be that Azrael is working to rid the world of these evil people. Furthermore, we are finding more and more shards of the red orb. This allows lesser people to do the same job as Azrael. Could Azrael be leaving these around for others to use?
It seems the more we dig into Azrael's history, the more confused we become. I guess all we can do is wait until his last eye is closed and he finally reveals his true intentions.
Last edited by reim0027 on Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:16 pm; edited 2 times in total