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Knight Alundil
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    WHY no dedicated servers?


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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by Errorist Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:04 am

    we paid full price for this game, not some 20 or 30 dollar crap like we do for 3rd party developers who make games like limbo or amnesia. with full price games we expect competent developers and dedicated servers, like... ANY other multiplayer game that has been released in the last few years.

    the reason its this was is that in japan, they have incredibly speedy wifi (seriously, the fastest in the world) in every inch of the country, any square foot of space there without wifi is considered to be shaming its family. they simply didnt take into account that the rest of the world didnt have that, and were too lazy and cheap to add dedicated servers. what exactly is GFWL or Steams function in the game? console versions matchmake peer to peer, which is why there was such terrible summon success rates back in the day, and guess what, there STILL is, because we STILL matchmake peer to peer

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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by ICEFANG Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:11 am

    Actually South Korea has the fastest internet in the world.
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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:11 am

    I don't know what you're talking about. I almost never summon fail unless the person I'm summoning has a truly terrible connection.

    Again though, servers cost money. It has to come from somewhere. Last I checked fromsoft wasn't exactly rich (or they wouldn't need publishers) and From could have tried to get them but namco said no.

    Go complain to from, or namco explaining your issue. We cannot help you.

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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by Siegfried. Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:13 am

    To give you an indication of how things have changed, Errorist:

    Back in the golden age of gaming (late nineties to the early part of the last decade), a AAA game cost between 1-3 million dollars to make. Now, game budgets are generally in the tens of millions of dollars. Furthermore, servers need to be maintained for a larger playerbase today than in previous eras of gaming, meaning more servers and more upkeep cost.

    So while dedicated servers were a financial no-brainer for their benefit back in the day, today, they're more expensive to hire and add to the cost of an already expensive game. As much as I'd love dedicated servers, I wouldn't want FromSoftware to personally suffer that cost, because game developers need to eat like any of us.

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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by WyrmHero Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:23 am

    Why PvP then? I mean there's no excuse, if you're charging 60 dollars for the game that has PvP, I expect to have at least good matchmaking. My connection is crap but it's very frustrating getting a lot of fails in the summon system just because there are no servers. Lag will always be an issue though, there's lag on DeS even though it has servers, but the summoning works so good.

    Last edited by WyrmHero on Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by Errorist Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:24 am

    well then, i will continue to lagstab one shot everyone, because i made a character based around this ridiculous lag, it doesnt hurt me, it just makes it unfair on everyone else.

    and with the millions that this game has made, and the small size of the actual pvp community within it (buncha 1v1s, 2v2s, and at max 4 players fighting) they CAN afford some servers, and still pay their employees well, they are simply being cheap bastards

    oh well, back to one shotting people in battle of stoicism arena
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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:35 am

    They need to profit or they'll have trouble finding a publisher in the future. The publisher takes a lot of the money earned by the sales to cover the cost of paying for the manufacture/shipping/ possibly production of the game, if the publisher doesn't turn a profit they're not likely to do it again.

    The devs get whats left, so they may well not have the money to pay for servers and still feed employees. Especially considering that they would likely need extra servers because full servers make lots of people mad very quickly.

    Frankly, if they're letting you bs them, they probably deserve the loss. Especially as you're on the pc where by all acounts lag isn't half as bad.

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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by Errorist Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:53 am

    namco is the international publisher and is the parent company of from software

    and in japan, from software themselves were their own publisher

    so no, that is incorrect

    btw namco has a lot of servers for a lot of games, and if they were doing an international release, and had requested them from their parent company, they would have received them. like i said before, they are simply being greedy *** who have
    screwed over any chance of the game getting real competition, to make a
    few extra dollars. and people like me who constantly seek real competition, will just move on and not recommend this game to my pals who also seek it. in the meantime, i will continue to one shot everyone in the arenas, to point out how ridiculous this is, and im sure a few of them will just stop playing as well. too bad

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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by Siegfried. Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:56 am

    If you're so upset, you're free to leave as soon as you please.

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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by ICEFANG Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:58 am

    This guys such a joker. So good? Prove it.

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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by Errorist Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:58 am

    i will, dont worry, but not before i one shot a few more people, free humanity and souls lulz

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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by Errorist Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:59 am

    prove what? that its ridiculously easy to lagstab one shot everyone? you already knew that, so it just sounds like you are mad that i pointed out something that makes you sad

    awww are you gonna cry? haha

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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by ICEFANG Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:00 am

    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 2707236321
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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:03 am


    I get lots of real competition, but if you're so awesome I'm sure the pc converts here will be delighted to see your skill for your self.

    Publishing a game in the country one is based in would be cheaper that publiching it i over seas yo.

    Also are you a manager at namco? No? then you have no proof of your statement. We simply offered potential explinations, you can not shoot them down with facts that you don't posess.

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    WHY no dedicated servers? - Page 2 Empty Re: WHY no dedicated servers?

    Post by reim0027 Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:04 am

    Error, when I asked you to stop insulting, did you think I was joking? I tried to be diplomatic and give you the benefit of the doubt. But, you clearly ignored my post and continued to flame our members. Consider this your first official warning.

    Thread closed.

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