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    SL 78 trying to summon SL 95 at Duke's archives problem


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    SL 78 trying to summon SL 95 at Duke's archives problem Empty SL 78 trying to summon SL 95 at Duke's archives problem

    Post by Freakyways Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:29 pm

    No matter what I can't summon a friend of mine. Do I have to go up a few levels?

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    SL 78 trying to summon SL 95 at Duke's archives problem Empty Re: SL 78 trying to summon SL 95 at Duke's archives problem

    Post by Yukon Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:10 pm

    In theory it should work..
    You have to be 10 + 10% within his level. So +17 levels abover 78= exactly 95.

    However, you cannot summon in dukes until you have progressed further into the level. Where are you trying to summon him? I don't want to spoil the area for you but once you find the 3rd bonfire you are typically safe to summon, that or when you fight your second channeler. Before that you won't see any summon signs.

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    SL 78 trying to summon SL 95 at Duke's archives problem Empty Re: SL 78 trying to summon SL 95 at Duke's archives problem

    Post by Freakyways Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:22 pm

    I'm actually at the balcony bonfire and I see TONS of summon signs. Just not his lol. I'm currently at SL 82, but I might go to 85 just to be safe.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    SL 78 trying to summon SL 95 at Duke's archives problem Empty Re: SL 78 trying to summon SL 95 at Duke's archives problem

    Post by RANT Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:37 pm

    ask him to put it by one of the firt globes around the bonfire, maybe too many signs wont let your friend's show up(this is just my theory and im pretty sure it has nothing to do with it its just what i always though)

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    SL 78 trying to summon SL 95 at Duke's archives problem Empty Re: SL 78 trying to summon SL 95 at Duke's archives problem

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