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    Faith Scaled Weapons


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    Faith Scaled Weapons Empty Faith Scaled Weapons

    Post by robincurtisza Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:18 am

    Hi Guys,

    Are there any A/S faith scaled weapons?

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    Faith Scaled Weapons Empty Re: Faith Scaled Weapons

    Post by elvishlunatic Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:36 am

    Grant has A-scaling with Faith. I don't think anything else goes higher than that.

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    Faith Scaled Weapons Empty Re: Faith Scaled Weapons

    Post by JY4answer Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:46 am

    Faith revolves more around miracles, buffs and heals, instead of direct offensive power (apart from WoG and spears)

    Its like Dusk's sorceries, except you don't have your usual sorceries and numerous weapons that scale well with int. In a way I think int is favoured more than faith in DkS :x

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    Faith Scaled Weapons Empty Re: Faith Scaled Weapons

    Post by belkaizer Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:54 am

    you have to make an occult claymore. it has an A scaling on faith. another good choice would be the Crescent Axe that has a b scaling on faith. once your faith gets higher the occult claymore will surpass the Crescent Axe.

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    Faith Scaled Weapons Empty Re: Faith Scaled Weapons

    Post by robincurtisza Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:37 am

    Does the grant deal divine/holy damage?

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    Faith Scaled Weapons Empty Re: Faith Scaled Weapons

    Post by Robotech Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:45 am

    but be carefull because occult claymore might have an A scaling on faith but the base damage is lower. I read someone's testimony who had tried both upgrades (divine/occult) on a claymore and he said that both did almost exactly the same damage at 50 faith. Its more a choice of what effect you need most, and what your playstyle is... divine is good against bad guys (skeletons/black phantoms/darkraiths?), occult is good against good guys (like silver knights or white phantoms) hope this helps

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