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    Possible to play the game LAN?


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    Possible to play the game LAN? Empty Possible to play the game LAN?

    Post by Slarg232 Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:29 pm

    Per title. Does anyone know if you can summon people while connected via LAN?

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    Possible to play the game LAN? Empty Re: Possible to play the game LAN?

    Post by Pesth Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:49 pm

    I dont think its possible to play via lan option, but if you and your friend are using the same internet connction it'll be way less laggy, but i really dont know :roll:

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    Possible to play the game LAN? Empty Re: Possible to play the game LAN?

    Post by ChizFreak Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:14 pm

    Not sure. I mean, it's technically impossible, because if you play offline, the game will disable all online items/options. If you play online, well, it's the same thing as not using LAN software. So... if you figure out a way to don't connect to the severs while still being able to use online items....

    mmm No, it's not possible, I'm pretty sure the game it's made to connect to the servers, if the game can't connect those, doesn't matter if you're connected to someone's computer, because I think the game only recognizes online interactions made from the servers.

    So only way would be to figure out a way to create your own server for Dark Souls.

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    Possible to play the game LAN? Empty Re: Possible to play the game LAN?

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