by JohnnyHarpoon Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:27 pm
PSN chat is the WORST! I forget what word it bleeped out for me semi-recently, but I swear it makes 'suckerstone' look like '****'.
I do understand the need to retain some kind of order and how censoring certain words could lend to that. I feel that these forums, though, inherently demand a certain respect - there is an effort evident in its design, structure and organization that I believe would outweigh the tumult (I use that word sarcastically) that might ensue due to a couple words.
Also, I'm sure preventing the 15 year olds on the forum from reading words like ***, **** and ******* will help them do well in school, get into good colleges, stay off drugs, find good jobs and make generally educated and intelligent decisions in their lives. I'm sure all the M rated games they play lack profanity, like Dark Souls, too! :pirat: