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    Unbelievable blind playthrough feat


    Posts : 1445
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    Join date : 2012-06-26
    Location : Junkyard Porto-John

    Unbelievable blind playthrough feat Empty Unbelievable blind playthrough feat

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:05 pm

    So I gave a copy of DKS to my brother and have instructed him to do a blind playthrough, explaining only basic game mechanics and the importance of doing his first playthrough without any help, save for careful hints from me if he really needs them.
    Last night I was dinkin around the burg, waitin for him to get to the first bonfire so we could coop a bit. About 30 mins pass and I ask him where he is in a message, he replies "armored rhino thing"
    Im pretty impressed that he got that far in such a short time, he literally just began playing and went deprived too! Im so impressed that im skeptical, but i dont want to accuse or imply that he got help online, but i have to ask him how he killed the taurus demon to be sure.
    He replies, "rolled, clubbed, rolled, clubbed more"
    I cant believe this, the taurus demon took me 10 tries and i even watched videos! So I call him and it turns out he killed him on his first go! Since he already defeated him i explained the standard ladder/plunge manuever and he laughs and says he would have never figured that out.
    Later he got frustrated as he kept dying to the rats beneath the wyvern bridge, but his complaints werent "this game is cheap!" Instead he said, "I keep making stupid mistakes."
    I was really impressed, and also reminded of the fact that Dark Souls is certainly punishing and difficult, but noone can say it aint fair.

    Posts : 33
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    Join date : 2012-10-02

    Unbelievable blind playthrough feat Empty Re: Unbelievable blind playthrough feat

    Post by Gazoinks Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:33 pm

    Well, it's a little unfair at time (the first time the dragon shows up comes to mind), but the overall fairness of the game is definitely one of the reasons I love it. Sounds like your brother definitely has the right mindset, in any case.

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:16 am