by callipygias Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:01 pm
I hit the magic number for Manus co-op at sl 77 yesterday. Considering how hard it is to get summoned on the pc for me overall, it was great.
I got pretty good action for a while at Artorias at sl 66, but I stopped because it turns out I don't like doing co-op for Artorias. He deserves better.
Haven't tried co-oping Kalameet yet, but 2 of the guys I helped with Manus yesterday said they were on their way directly to him, so I'd guess 70-90 would be safe for NG summons.
Only non-Arena PvP I've done on pc has been sl 200, and the majority of my opponents have all been around sl 120 (they give 9,000ish souls). Most of the rest have been 200's like me.