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    Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED]


    Posts : 437
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    Join date : 2012-10-03

    Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED] Empty Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED]

    Post by BrotherBob Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:02 am

    I can offer titanite Slabs (any type) and many other items for the following Boss Souls (required for me to get some achievements).
    - Soul of Sif [RESOLVED]
    - Soul of Gwyndolin [RESOLVED]
    - Soul of Gwyn [RESOLVED]

    I would also like to get Priscilla's Dagger, any +4 Chaos weapon, and any +9 Divine Weapon. [RESOLVED]

    Unfortunately, due to the fact that I am operating on a strict NAT type, I can only communicate with players on an open NAT type.


    Last edited by BrotherBob on Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 75
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    Join date : 2012-09-29

    Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED] Empty Re: Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED]

    Post by greeneless Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:51 am

    I've got a soul of gwyn, priscilla's dagger, a +9 divine weapon and an already +5'd chaos Iaito. You doing slabs 1:1 for any of these?

    Also, I know nothing about NATs, aside from vaguely what they are. If we're not compatable, then, blah. My psn is the same as my name here btw.

    Posts : 437
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    Join date : 2012-10-03

    Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED] Empty Re: Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED]

    Post by BrotherBob Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:51 pm

    If you're within soul range and have an open NAT, then I'd appreciate setting up a trade for the first 3 items (the +5 Chaos Iaito will not exactly be useful to me).
    Also, you can determine whether or not you have an open NAT with the following rule of thumb: If you have ever experienced that phenomenon where there are "invisible" players (players that you cannot interact with and vice versa) then you do not have an open NAT. Examples of that phenomenon may include:
    - Invading a world where it appears that your opponent is dueling with air (they're attacking at "nothing" apparently and "nothing" is attacking back and doing damage)
    - Being summoned into a host's world where you notice that enemies are taking damage even though neither you nor the host is causing it
    - Any other situation where you are sure that there must be some sort of non-interactable, invisible ninja at work
    Alternatively, you could insert a Call of Duty disc into your PS3, and go to the Multiplayer menu, and it should tell you what kind of NAT you have (open moderate, strict).

    Posts : 437
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    Join date : 2012-10-03

    Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED] Empty Re: Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED]

    Post by BrotherBob Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:20 pm

    If you could downgrade the Iaito to a +4 that would be great. I'll trade 2 or 3 slabs if necessary. But I just received the other items that you offered from another player. However, if you have a Soul of Gwyndolin or a Soul of Sif, that would be much appreciated.

    Posts : 75
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    Join date : 2012-09-29

    Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED] Empty Re: Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED]

    Post by greeneless Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:32 am

    I don't think any of that has ever happened and yeah I'm in the 120's. I'll add you and we'll give it a try and see for sure.

    Also I like my ps3 too much to torture it by taking it to the menu of call of duty multiplayer.

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    Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED] Empty Re: Offering titanite Slabs for Boss Souls; SL: 123 (PSN) [RESOLVED]

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