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    1.06 broke game logic.


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    1.06 broke game logic. Empty 1.06 broke game logic.

    Post by WandererReece Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:14 pm

    Before the patch, we could not warp to or from the Painted World bonfire. Attempting to warp from it displays the message, "This bonfire is cut off from the others. Cannot warp." Then this patch makes us able to warp to this fire, but still not from it.

    If we can't warp from it because its not connected to the others, then how are we able to warp to it? From, you broke your own logic. This is for you:

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    1.06 broke game logic. Empty Re: 1.06 broke game logic.

    Post by Carphil Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:19 pm

    In my opinion, they did thought about that, but didn't care. I mean really, Painted world is very popular and it sucks to climb the Darkmoon tomb stair over and over again, and then take 10 knifes to the face just to access the PVP hotspot

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    1.06 broke game logic. Empty Re: 1.06 broke game logic.

    Post by lonewolf Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:21 am

    mayby its just barely connected so you can warp to it but the connection is to weak to warp from it

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    1.06 broke game logic. Empty Re: 1.06 broke game logic.

    Post by Bioraptor Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:26 am

    I would agree with Carphil way of thinking.
    OK it does not fit in if you are going off logic of the DkS law,although like Carphil I believe warping to the bonfire is a lot better then having to warp to Anor Londo walk and run all the way to the painting then enter.
    You can not leave by the bonfire so it still as a little law left in it.
    I believe they have put this in just for quick access for PvP`ers.
    Which in my opinion is a good move.

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    1.06 broke game logic. Empty Re: 1.06 broke game logic.

    Post by Doelker Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:35 am

    I think it works just fine. PvE wise you need to sit there in order to make warpable, but if you get there you need to finish the level in order to leave the painted world, so this way it goes within its logics and game mechanics.
    Afterwards it doesn't matter if you warp in the PW. You already did what they wanted you to do such is clearing the level.

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    1.06 broke game logic. Empty Re: 1.06 broke game logic.

    Post by xSomax Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:07 am

    well, theres also the fact that as the chosen undead, its your job to "link the flames". i'd say we all agree, to some degree at least, that lighting them does that. but as lonewolf said, the bond is just barely enough to get you into the dimension, but not enough to get you out. and keep in mind, its meant to keep people in, not out. at least, from what we know of the lore so far.

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    1.06 broke game logic. Empty Re: 1.06 broke game logic.

    Post by Glutebrah Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:08 am

    you were always able to warp to bonfires where the flame is out after you killed the flame keeper (anor, fire link, bed of chaos), but can not use them. same thing kinda?

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    1.06 broke game logic. Empty Re: 1.06 broke game logic.

    Post by WandererReece Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:26 am

    Carphil wrote:In my opinion, they did thought about that, but didn't care. I mean really, Painted world is very popular and it sucks to climb the Darkmoon tomb stair over and over again, and then take 10 knifes to the face just to access the PVP hotspot

    Actually, it is very easy to get to the painting. Just stay to the left and run as fast as you can. You will only have 2 enemies try to attack you, but they won't hit you. I can get to the painting from the Darkmoon Tomb in maybe 15 sec.

    Glutebrah wrote:you were always able to warp to bonfires where the flame is out after you killed the flame keeper (anor, fire link, daughter of chaos), but can not use them. same thing kinda?

    I didn't think about that. You may have a point, but those were connected before they were extinguished. Also it says the firekeeper dies to protect the flame, so that could be why it still works. However, you do have a very good point.
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    1.06 broke game logic. Empty Re: 1.06 broke game logic.

    Post by skarekrow13 Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:42 am

    xSomax, I would argue different about the purpose of the Painted World. Every sign I see indicates there's more in place to keep people out than in. I know there's cages dispensed in there and it's likely there was some use as a prison of sorts but I would say that was an artificial use that came later.

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