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    Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena?


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    Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena? Empty Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena?

    Post by Gazman0169 Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:33 pm

    I don't want to restrict my new characters development, but there is no point in me pumping her SL up if she ends up being too high for regular summons in the Arena, which is my ultimate goal as I want to get back in on the PvP scene.

    Nb. I was looking at SL130, or thereabouts.

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    Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena? Empty Re: Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena?

    Post by Glutebrah Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:40 pm

    brackets are SL1 - 50 SL51 - 100 and SL101 - 200. and then SL200+

    the SL51-100 is most likely the most popular, but the 101-200 bracket will get action to as many people have SL120+

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    Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena? Empty Re: Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena?

    Post by Pratix Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:41 pm

    Is Sl 101-200 a popular area?
    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena? Empty Re: Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:43 pm

    There's a huge range between 100 and 200. I would almost guess that a lot of people are going to try for the 100 target, which keeps the builds unique. But high range stuff can be fun too. I have a 160 mage that I'll probably keep growing until 200.

    If you have a SL130 character that you like, keep working on it. Then if you want to mix things up, work on a new one for lower levels like 100. Dex builds at 100 can be awesome.

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    Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena? Empty Re: Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena?

    Post by Glutebrah Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:45 pm

    Pratix wrote:Is Sl 101-200 a popular area?

    i haven't tried it yet but i assume since everyone had SL120s before the patch and DLC because that was "the level" that there will be alot of traffic there.

    i have a SL200 i haven't taken to the DLC yet so i dont know yet

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    Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena? Empty Re: Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena?

    Post by Pratix Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:55 pm

    What can I do to make this better for the 101-200 range?

    Also, I have the compound bow +15

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    Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena? Empty Re: Is there an ideal Soul Level for the DLC Arena?

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