Anyways, onto the topic I wanted to discuss...
When I first began using the Zweihander, it was perfect for me, I love using huge STR weapons, especially swords. Now I'm not one to invade with this using the hornets ring or anything *ahem*, I would use it as it is ment, to charge in screaming things in German as people cower in fear of the half naked bald man swinging a 6 ft long sword like it was a toy.
After months of using the Zwei, A friend mentioned that if I loved it so much, I should give the Greatsword a try. Well, I never gave it much thought since it takes at least an hr or so to get after starting the game, but yesterday finally decided to buy and try it, here is what I found out (just going to highlight some common knowledge):
-The Greatsword is 2 lbs heavier then the Zwei
-Requires 4 more points of STR to weild
-Same exact damage
-slightly different moveset
sooooo, looking at it this way, it seams that it is a worse Zwei in every way.
BUT, the last point, about the moveset, is what won me over from loyal Zwei to a Greatsword user, because, in my humble opinion:
the Zweihander is to the Bastard Sword,
as the Greatsword is to the Claymore
the strong attack of the Greatsword is just more versitile in my opinion, and helped me in many binds, what do you think forum, GS or Zwei???