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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)


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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by johnnyjwa Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:17 pm

    Yep, never had so much fun playing my int build. Sure its pretty op but damn is it fun. Besides, I'm invading, my mission to kill you!

    Anyone else having as much fun with the new spells as I am??
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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:19 pm

    ::raises hands::

    Me! This guy right here! cheers
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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by Tolvo Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:23 pm

    The guy in this video thinks this as well I believe.

    Also shows base dex versus 45 dex casting speeds of dark magic. Just thought you might be interested in that part.

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by johnnyjwa Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:30 pm

    Hmm that's quite a difference, I may have to remake into an int/dex build. Thanks for the vid!
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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:42 pm

    i have fun nullifying them with gmb and vos then chasing the mages down with a dmb'ed obsidian greatsword, does that count, a full volley of pursuers and a crystal souspear only took me down by 25%...

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by johnnyjwa Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:47 pm

    Haha ya I've come across a few gmb people. It does stop me in my tracks.

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:25 am

    Yeah your job is to killem all when you invade. Props to ya man.

    Cant say I like dying to the pursuers dark bead combo but damn to I appreciate the power it packs!

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by Hylian Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:42 am

    It's not fun at all getting pwned by these op spells.

    When I get into the DLC with my Black Mage it will be payback time!!!

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:52 am

    So its an If you cant beat'em join'em situation?

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by Juutas Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:28 am

    Pursuers annoy me so much. I just have to spend 90% of the match running away from them and dodging dark bead while I'm doing it...sooooo MMGGH! :x

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by tofucactaur Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:34 am

    yeah, tbh i find it really annoying fighting people spamming these spells together.....
    some people don't spam them like crazy and its alright, but the other day i fought a guy who TWOP then tried to spam these spells as well as using the MLGS special attacks..... we killed each other at the same time, then i avoided him for the rest of the duel..... i think that VERY soon the arena is gonna be totally filled with these builds

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:34 am

    Lol Im tacking those two onto a new competitive pvp build....though tbh I think Ill drop Pursuers in favour of hidden Body and Dark Fog.

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by Ghadis_God Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:47 am

    Dark Fog is basically just the pyro poison mist with a longer range, it doesn't seem too useful

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:48 am

    Doesnt it spawn right on the locked target? I think that could be a useful ambush attack.

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by Glutebrah Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:56 am

    i had fun with them for a night, then it became to easy and boring.

    Pursuers + CSS = unstoppable.

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:09 am

    Im sure thats not true its just very hard to come up with a reliable method of beating them. I mean I capped a Pursuers spammed the other first win the the arena after sooo many defeats.

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by Ghadis_God Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:35 am

    They really annoy me. My answer? Vow of Silence. Completely destroys Dark magic users, they can't lift a finger against it.

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by BackstabFisherman Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:01 am

    I LOVE the new spells, they are so cheap that I've resorted to using
    some mage builds that specialize in doing the most damage possible with
    pursuers and dark bead. People get so :x when they lose to dark bead and pursuers. I've had people try to use the amulet on me just to take a CSS to the face!!

    If anyone is curious what that particular build is, its right here: cheers

    **edit: One of the few builds I use that doesn't use a hornet's ring.

    I gotta say, I was getting bored with Dark Souls, because backstabbing
    noobs repeatedly for close to a year was starting to get boring, and now
    I got a new gimmick, but I will never forget my roots if someone gives
    me the opportunity for a backstab, I'll take it.
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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:56 am

    if they cast pursuers before you get vos off or cast it out of vos's range it'll still work... hence why i pack it and gmb... plus dark moon blade murders them since they always wear the dusk crown...

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by Hylian Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:21 am

    BackstabFisherman wrote:I LOVE the new spells, they are so cheap that I've resorted to using
    some mage builds that specialize in doing the most damage possible with
    pursuers and dark bead. People get so :x when they lose to dark bead and pursuers. I've had people try to use the amulet on me just to take a CSS to the face!!

    If anyone is curious what that particular build is, its right here: cheers

    **edit: One of the few builds I use that doesn't use a hornet's ring.

    I gotta say, I was getting bored with Dark Souls, because backstabbing
    noobs repeatedly for close to a year was starting to get boring, and now
    I got a new gimmick, but I will never forget my roots if someone gives
    me the opportunity for a backstab, I'll take it.

    People get mad because it's cheap, think if you were on your opponent's shoes. The casting time for one of these new spells is insane, it's almost instantly, the guy raises his arm then boom death is unleashed.

    You backstab noobs? Think for 1 second, if you rely only on backkstabs and magic to win a fight, aren't you the noob?


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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by Glutebrah Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:25 am

    Ghadis_God wrote:They really annoy me. My answer? Vow of Silence. Completely destroys Dark magic users, they can't lift a finger against it.

    i prefer GMB to negate the damage, with Vow of Silence they can still create enough space to start the cast, and then rush in and pursuers will still proc i assume. Vow of Silence seems more ideal for Pyro users and GC/BF

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by johnnyjwa Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:25 am

    Well it seems to be a mixed boat for most people. Main reason I like it is cause my int build is actually viable in pvp as a spell caster. It was always pretty hit or miss with dragon breath and css when manually aiming. I usually ended up meleeing my opponent to death with my mage build and I didn't like that. And wasting someone in half a second while invading is always fun. No matter how "cheap" it is. And believe me I know how crazy it is, I'v been killed by it just as many times as I'v killed people with it.

    For all you honor duel guys who wanna avoid frustration, wait for your opponent to bow before you do. If you bow to me then take a css to the face its not my problem. I'm not here to duel you I'm here to kill you by any means and steal your humanity!

    I'll save my "honor" for arranged matches. I'v gotten too much hate mail from honor dudes while using this build.

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by Glutebrah Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:29 am

    johnnyjwa wrote:Well it seems to be a mixed boat for most people. Main reason I like it is cause my int build is actually viable in pvp as a spell caster. It was always pretty hit or miss with dragon breath and css when manually aiming. I usually ended up meleeing my opponent to death with my mage build and I didn't like that. And wasting someone in half a second while invading is always fun. No matter how "cheap" it is. And believe me I know how crazy it is, I'v been killed by it just as many times as I'v killed people with it.

    For all you honor duel guys who wanna avoid frustration, wait for your opponent to bow before you do. If you bow to me then take a css to the face its not my problem. I'm not here to duel you I'm here to kill you by any means and steal your humanity!

    I'll save my "honor" for arranged matches. I'v gotten too much hate mail from honor dudes while using this build.

    when i host duels now and i see any one with a catalyst i just rush them right off the start, ive had to many CSS me when i RETURN a bow. (they bowed first then i bow and they CSS me)

    i got hate mail once for rushing some one as they spawned, and i replied "lettuce be cereal, you CSSed me as i bowed about 10 mins ago" his response "im the invader i am supposed to fight dirty"

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by johnnyjwa Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:45 am

    Ooooo ya that's pretty dirty :evil: . I wouldn't stoop that low even if I'm invading. I usually spawn in and instantly rush the host no matter the situation. I don't rely on dirty tricks though.

    And "lettuce be cereal" lol that's pretty good. I may steal that when replying to some hate mail.

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    Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome) Empty Re: Pursuers and Dark bead are stupid(ly awesome)

    Post by flopz Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:45 pm

    Glutebrah wrote:
    Ghadis_God wrote:They really annoy me. My answer? Vow of Silence. Completely destroys Dark magic users, they can't lift a finger against it.

    i prefer GMB to negate the damage, with Vow of Silence they can still create enough space to start the cast, and then rush in and pursuers will still proc i assume. Vow of Silence seems more ideal for Pyro users and GC/BF

    Just the other night I took a Dark Pursuers volley followed immediately by Dark Bead and CSS head on to the grill with my GMB up and took absolutely no damage (Crest Shield as well). Needless to say, when I emerged on the other side unscathed, the caster seemed very surprised and immediately began to retreat. GMB pretty much makes one immune.

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