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    help with sorcerer build !


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    help with sorcerer build ! Empty help with sorcerer build !

    Post by albaraz Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:53 pm

    Hey guys I'm new to this forum and haven't played dark souls in a year. The dlc came out so I bought it. I popped in my dark souls only to find out my save file is corrupt.... :'(

    So I started a new build, just wanted some advice since I havent made a sorcerer class since demon souls.

    I read that having a dex of 45 will improve cast speed. But after reading through many forums I realize that it doesn't increase very much. I'm kinda bummed since I already invested points in dex. Here is where I stand:

    I wanted to use the moonlight greatsword as well as cast spells but now I'm debating if i should go about this build a different way... Im in a pickle and not sure what to do !!!

    This is what I wanted to end up with, but not sure if it is any good at pvp... : /

    please old wise wizards out there I need your guidance!

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    help with sorcerer build ! Empty Re: help with sorcerer build !

    Post by felclef Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:52 pm

    I'm not a wizzy fan, but I think I can help you! ;D

    Well, if you are using some points in Dex, it would be nice to consider a Crystal Magic Weapon buff (CMW) and upgrade it just to +15. An Uchigatana will be good for this and it pairs good with your low Stamina. If you like the Rapier, it is lighter and imho is less cliché. xD

    The Moonlight Greatsword, although it's amazingly good, won't be the nicest choice for your End/Sta.

    For just 2 points you can access all Spell, so why not?

    My suggestion is:

    Once you have your magic to make some pressure, you can keep the mid roll, I don't think it would be a big issue. Anyway, you can use a lighter armor and use the E.Shotel as a fast switch backup. Im not sure about the catalyst, though, some experts on int chars can help here.

    I personally don't like Pursuers. This thing only brings you bad karma.

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    help with sorcerer build ! Empty Re: help with sorcerer build !

    Post by johnnyjwa Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:04 pm

    Made a few tweaks.

    Dropped int to 44. Dragons breath is not the greatest for pvp. Unless your very good an manually aiming it. So go for it if you want.

    Swapped rapier for Ricard's rapier. Scales well with dex and is buffable. Better choice overall.

    Grass crest because why not? Better Stam regen. Still a mid roll. Can still parry. Unless you want the special parry of the buckler which honestly isn't that necessary.

    2 extra points you can stick wherever. Vit, maybe End to try to get fast roll?

    Added Pursuers because it's a good spell.

    Honestly I'd change the armor for fast rolling too. Never liked med roll that much for pvp. Just my personal preference though. You could prob go all the way to lvl 150-160. I have 2 builds around that range and still get plenty of invasion in the township.

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    help with sorcerer build ! Empty Re: help with sorcerer build !

    Post by felclef Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:42 pm

    @johnnyjwa You are totally right, friend. What was I thinking when I got the buckler?? I think I was goin to fastroll, but in the middle the 56 poise blinded me, somehow. The RR is fine too, nice damage/scale, I would stick with the Rapier because 110 crit, but I'm not sure if it would be applied to the CMW buff... The Dragon Breath is hard to aim, you are right too silly

    Well done sir, well done. But...

    johnnyjwa wrote:Added Pursuers because it's a good spell.

    I still think this thing here only brings you bad karma.

    Last edited by felclef on Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : bad engurish T^T)

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    help with sorcerer build ! Empty Re: help with sorcerer build !

    Post by BackstabFisherman Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:36 am

    There you go. Maximizes spell damage while still being able to defend yourself by attacking. I honestly prefer an enchanted claymore just for the pokes, and its high higher total AR, which means more backstab damage. Same weight and requirements as the MLGS.

    For a PVP build there is no reason to go over 44 INT, and that is only to use CSS. White Dragon breath has a lot of uses for as much damage as it does, its just not that good in PVP. There are certain special situations where it would be good, like on a bridge like the one in front of the entrance to Sen's Fort.

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    help with sorcerer build ! Empty Re: help with sorcerer build !

    Post by BrotherBob Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:59 am

    I couldn't access the link that you posted because maybe the website was down (idk). Anyway, I'll just assume that you have relatively high dex and int. Let me just share my two cents. I'll just assume (for these purposes) that you have 40 dex and 16 str. Try the Falcion +15. With those stats, that weapon's got some serious damage, though the uchigatana has a little bit more. With those stats, the AR of the Falcion will be 391. However, curved swords have a great stun-locking capacity. They swing fast, so if you knock out your opponent's poise, they'll pretty much have to take any other hit you can dish out until your stamina runs out. 2-handed, it will knock out the poise of a cookie-cutter, 77-poise build in three hits.

    Now, to make it a little bit more devastating... I personally have 50 int. Using the Tin Crystallization Catalyst, I can buff a weapon with Crystal Magic Weapon for an additional 410 Magic damage. If you put that on the Falcion mentioned above, that's 801 AR.

    As for other spells, you can't go wrong with CSS, HCSM, or the DLC spells. Personally, I almost never use offensive spells CSS and HCSM because I find that they can only really be used effectively if the opportunity presents itself, which isn't that much if you're dueling good players. The DLC spells just make winning too easy.

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    help with sorcerer build ! Empty Re: help with sorcerer build !

    Post by albaraz Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:43 pm

    hey guys thanks for the advice very informative stuff !

    I shall take what you guys say all in to account.

    I am an eastern sword fan, but I also enjoy the rapiers. So will definitely being upgrading a few other weapons to test them out, (uchigatana, ricards rapier)

    I dont like having mid roll so I shall definitely look into having light armor, but I personally dont like wasting too much on END for a sorcerer but shall save that for the end if I have extra points.

    thanks all I shall update my build when I hit 120 and provide some feedback !

    live long and prosper gentlemen

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