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    Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp?


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    Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp? Empty Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp?

    Post by Myztyrio Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:42 am


    Thankiez :3

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    Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp? Empty Re: Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp?

    Post by godpenguin Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:40 am

    There's not much to suggest about lvl 200. You have so many points that you can literally spec into almost everything.

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    Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp? Empty Re: Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp?

    Post by godpenguin Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:42 am

    Get rid of great soul arrow and put in crystal soul spear maybe. Also look into dark spells like pursuers maybe.

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    Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp? Empty Re: Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp?

    Post by oisean11 Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:37 am

    godpenguin wrote:Get rid of great soul arrow and put in crystal soul spear maybe. Also look into dark spells like pursuers maybe.


    Pursuers and Dark bead have completely made sorcery viable for pvp now, before them sorcery builds were useless as nearly all spells could be dodged easily. Its good enough to be the sorcery equivalent of WoTG

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    Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp? Empty Re: Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp?

    Post by Myztyrio Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:32 pm

    oisean11 wrote:
    godpenguin wrote:Get rid of great soul arrow and put in crystal soul spear maybe. Also look into dark spells like pursuers maybe.


    Pursuers and Dark bead have completely made sorcery viable for pvp now, before them sorcery builds were useless as nearly all spells could be dodged easily. Its good enough to be the sorcery equivalent of WoTG

    Um no, the idea is that I don't resort to those tactics. If I wanted to use dark sorceries I would use my manus catalyst. Also, Crystal Soul Spear would only allow me 2 castings, so it isn't too useful.

    Posts : 110
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    Join date : 2012-10-06

    Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp? Empty Re: Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp?

    Post by godpenguin Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:18 pm

    Usually the only way to hit enemies with vanilla spells is to capitalize on their mistakes, otherwise they will just dodge everything. With this in mind, if you are successful in hitting them with a spell, why not just use a hard hitting spell for greater effect than a minor spell that you would do the same damage by meleeing? Also if 2 CSP is not enough just do another playthrough and get another copy of the spell. Spam usually = lose.

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    Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp? Empty Re: Suggestions for my SL 200 pvp?

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