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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)


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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by T-King-667 Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:38 am

    When i was away for work i long awaited to come home and play through the dlc with my tarkus build i made back in November of last year. NG+6 (not sure if it made a difference to the dlc difficulty) and i rode it solo becuase i knew that everybody i summoned would know the tricks to killing everything easy. And i decided to record every second of my play through for you all to possibly laugh at me. I have part one and two up now and the third and final part is uploading as i type this. Guys it would be greatly appreciated if you can all take a look at it and give it your honest opinions (be it bad or good) either here or on the video itself.
    Part One:
    Part Two:

    Extra note: i know on screen recording sucks and i was meaning to get a cap card before i returned home but there was a few problems which resulted me in not getting one, i even asked if they sold any in walmart when i went there for my 20$ psn card for the dlc but they replyed "da *** is dat?" so this was my only option :/ Try to ignor the quality and rate me on my play/commentary or whatever you feel like complaining/complimenting about. Thanks!

    EDIT: Part 3 is now up:
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by RANT Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:07 am


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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by T-King-667 Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:32 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:watching.....
    Thanks for watching. But feed back would be nice too silly
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by RANT Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:42 pm

    i saw the first part then i had to do some stuff, looks good and the birghtness helps a lot. use that damn finger i wanna see people get raped by tarkus!!

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by T-King-667 Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:04 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:i saw the first part then i had to do some stuff, looks good and the birghtness helps a lot. use that damn finger i wanna see people get raped by tarkus!!
    I kill more in parts 2 and 3?
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by RANT Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:26 pm

    ok i watched all three, i gotta say the first one was kinda boring but the other two are really entertaining. the commentary was awesome and i want even more invaders!!! subbed btw.

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by T-King-667 Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:40 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:ok i watched all three, i gotta say the first one was kinda boring but the other two are really entertaining. the commentary was awesome and i want even more invaders!!! subbed btw.
    Yeah the first i wasent sure if i wanted to do commentary and im not used to doing solo commentary either so it was a bit awkward talking to the camera at first but in my second and third i was a bit more confident but it was still a bit odd and when i feel that way i have a habbit of dropping the f bomb like crazy im trying not to as much. dieing getting frustrated on camera is pretty fun though and thanks to you and the few that have commented the videos themselves so far for your honest opinions and support. I aim to make another video soon but im not sure what to do at this point? any suggestions are welcome.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by RANT Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:52 pm

    LEEROY!!!!!!...........................or gough. i was gonna make a gs(not a cosplay) build and damn look at the difference in ar compared to the crystal one, its a pain to make them though.

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by T-King-667 Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:39 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:LEEROY!!!!!!...........................or gough. i was gonna make a gs(not a cosplay) build and damn look at the difference in ar compared to the crystal one, its a pain to make them though.
    Hey do you know if the thread that showed the npc's unmasked is here? i wanna make sure that my cosplays are perfect even if you dont see their faces i still wanna get it right. But i searched google for the npcs unmasked and i cant get anything anywhere.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by RANT Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:20 pm

    and i forgot to shoe you othe link for the ar difference

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by T-King-667 Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:25 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:

    and i forgot to shoe you othe link for the ar difference
    Thanks for digging that up for me. And yeah crystal for most weps are better than normal +15 but there a pain to keep making id only use it for like a tournament or something. And i think i may do a walkthrough for new players on my channel. Im debateing whether i should wait to get a capture card or just go at it with my typical camcorder.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by RANT Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:21 pm

    since theres a lot of them just wait for the cap card and in the end it'll come out better. are you planning to do a cosplay or pvp build? you should make a new thread and let us know where you are so the people watching can invade you and kick your ***.

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by T-King-667 Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:41 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:since theres a lot of them just wait for the cap card and in the end it'll come out better. are you planning to do a cosplay or pvp build? you should make a new thread and let us know where you are so the people watching can invade you and kick your ***.
    Kick my buahahahaha *challenge accepted*
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by RANT Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:43 pm

    im gonna invade yo with my leeroy and yes. kick your

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by T-King-667 Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:47 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:im gonna invade yo with my leeroy and yes. kick your
    Your gonna have a hard time invadeing me on netflix budd. Tell me where to be and ill be waiting...
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by RANT Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:50 pm

    lol i meant when your doing the walkthrough. but if you wanna get invaded and have your kick by me you should host the forest. hunting ganks is all i do now, its what keeps me coming back to dark souls.

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by T-King-667 Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:53 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:lol i meant when your doing the walkthrough. but if you wanna get invaded and have your kick by me you should host the forest. hunting ganks is all i do now, its what keeps me coming back to dark souls.
    This is my last pot regarding us pvping before we derail the thread to far. Im in the forest now on my sl120 tarkus. Come kick my,
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by RANT Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:57 pm

    ok, let me get back on.

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by callipygias Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:59 pm

    Being a relatively long-time subcriber to T-King I'll be pretty impressed if anyone can give him a thorough ***-kicking.

    I'll check out your vids when I get home, TK. Happy to have you back and making vids.

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    Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)  Empty Re: Tarkus's journy through artorias of the abyss dlc (obvious spoilers)

    Post by T-King-667 Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:03 am

    callipygias wrote:Being a relatively long-time subcriber to T-King I'll be pretty impressed if anyone can give him a thorough ***-kicking.

    I'll check out your vids when I get home, TK. Happy to have you back and making vids.
    Happy to see that your still supporting me man. Thanks alot!

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