by T-King-667 Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:38 am
When i was away for work i long awaited to come home and play through the dlc with my tarkus build i made back in November of last year. NG+6 (not sure if it made a difference to the dlc difficulty) and i rode it solo becuase i knew that everybody i summoned would know the tricks to killing everything easy. And i decided to record every second of my play through for you all to possibly laugh at me. I have part one and two up now and the third and final part is uploading as i type this. Guys it would be greatly appreciated if you can all take a look at it and give it your honest opinions (be it bad or good) either here or on the video itself.
Part One:
Part Two:
Extra note: i know on screen recording sucks and i was meaning to get a cap card before i returned home but there was a few problems which resulted me in not getting one, i even asked if they sold any in walmart when i went there for my 20$ psn card for the dlc but they replyed "da *** is dat?" so this was my only option :/ Try to ignor the quality and rate me on my play/commentary or whatever you feel like complaining/complimenting about. Thanks!
EDIT: Part 3 is now up: