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    DaS Lore For Dummies


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    DaS Lore For Dummies  Empty DaS Lore For Dummies

    Post by AnastaciaAstora Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:02 am

    Well, you'll know right off that I'm new.

    I notice there's a lot of in depth speculation in this section. I like that, I do. But it can feel a lot like being caught in a giant spider web.
    If I wanted to start off at the beginning, is there a thread/article/resource of some sort I can go to for the very basics? I've read all the stuff I can dig up on the wiki and here but haven't found anything linear that can say "This happened, then this happened, then this, and then the game begins", so there are things I'm not clear on.
    For example... the first thing that springs to mind is the opening, when you're told that "the undead are coralled and led to the north". is "the north" the entirety of the game's map? I had always assumed it was just the undead asylum/burg/parish areas, and that everywhere else is empty due to widespread undead epidemics. Is this wrong? Are there still human towns and normality outside the game map?

    I hope I'm not dragging you into confusion with me, here! I'm one of those loser fanfic writers, so I need clarity. My favourite thing to do is exploit holes in character backstories to add new content, but my fear is not knowing about a detail that could throw my entire story down the toilet. I did that one with a final fantasy one - three of my friends were all "I cried at the end" and one was like "But that didn't happen like that... that was actually addressed in-game. So none of this part could have happened".

    I apologise for post length sad Thank you anyone who helps a noob out!

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    DaS Lore For Dummies  Empty Re: DaS Lore For Dummies

    Post by OrnsteinFanBoy Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:20 am

    You could start with some of EpicNameBros lore videos on youtube, he gives some pretty good analysis and puts a lot of time and effort in making content for Dark Souls fans. But you won't find anything linear or detailed for most of the game really. The lore is deliberately pretty sketchy so most of the amazing discussion in the archives, amazing though it is, can be a lot of speculation. Which to be honest is pretty much perfect if you're looking to write some fanfics, the gaps in the story are pretty sizeable and everyone here welcomes speculation so you're unlikely to find anyone saying that what you've written couldn't have happened or is inaccurate. Just pick any random lore article and you'll find great ideas being bounced around and any ideas you have will be more welcome dude.

    And Welcome to the forums btw big grin
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    DaS Lore For Dummies  Empty Re: DaS Lore For Dummies

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:37 am

    The 3 threads stickied up the top contain the most info. Glyph's (Emergence's) is about gameplay secrets, mine is about NPCs and Acidic's covers the real heart and soul of the game/

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    DaS Lore For Dummies  Empty Re: DaS Lore For Dummies

    Post by AnastaciaAstora Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:19 am

    Thanks very much both, I'll start off with Acidic's thread as I have to balance knowledge with not finding spoilers... I haven't finished the game yet.


    I'll also bear what you said in mind, OFB, I do want to use some of that deliberate sketchiness myself. I also thoroughly appreciate your username. Sun

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    DaS Lore For Dummies  Empty Re: DaS Lore For Dummies

    Post by OrnsteinFanBoy Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:50 am

    AnastaciaAstora wrote:Thanks very much both, I'll start off with Acidic's thread as I have to balance knowledge with not finding spoilers... I haven't finished the game yet.


    I'll also bear what you said in mind, OFB, I do want to use some of that deliberate sketchiness myself. I also thoroughly appreciate your username. DaS Lore For Dummies  4205493335

    Thanks dude cheers

    I really would recommend you finish the game before you start reading anything in the archives dude. The archives is a million posts and every one a spoiler. Item descriptions should keep your thirst for knowledge at bay till then lol!.

    Whatever you do make sure you post a your DKS fanfics here so we all get a read DaS Lore For Dummies  4205493335

    Posts : 81
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    DaS Lore For Dummies  Empty Re: DaS Lore For Dummies

    Post by AnastaciaAstora Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:58 am

    OrnsteinFanBoy wrote:
    AnastaciaAstora wrote:Thanks very much both, I'll start off with Acidic's thread as I have to balance knowledge with not finding spoilers... I haven't finished the game yet.


    I'll also bear what you said in mind, OFB, I do want to use some of that deliberate sketchiness myself. I also thoroughly appreciate your username. DaS Lore For Dummies  4205493335

    Thanks dude cheers

    I really would recommend you finish the game before you start reading anything in the archives dude. The archives is a million posts and every one a spoiler. Item descriptions should keep your thirst for knowledge at bay till then lol!.

    Whatever you do make sure you post a your DKS fanfics here so we all get a read DaS Lore For Dummies  4205493335

    The trouble is, you're completely right on all counts. That means I'll have to do a lot of it without any guidance or info on what's generally accepted as canon :,3 So it'll all be guesswork and apologies. When I manage to finish a first chapter I'll post it, though. I'm currently reading Acidic's thread, and it's really good but I'm going to have to throw some of it out because the Ash Maiden is my main character and much of what he says about her might conflict with what I'm doing :o

    Edit: Where does fanmade stuff even go here? :O

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