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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness


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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by LittleLuden Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:34 am

    hi guys!

    i usually play offline as i hate beeing invaded while i try to overcome the usual hassles of the game. the other day i was accidentally online, got invaded an won!!

    i was infected from that moment on and invaded myself some guys via cracked red eye (and lost), then i put down the red soapstone, and fought some more battles. good fun actually. but i never thought about fairness or seeing it as a kind of sport. i´d like to change that now a bit, what hints do you have for me?

    i am not yet familliar with all these special "pvp-terms", so please be patient...

    - i sometimes wait in anor londo on the bridge (where you fight the gargoyle) for an invader. is this called farming and disliked?

    - how can i become the host of a match?

    - how can i be summoned by a host for a match?

    - i sometimes use turtle-tactics (a term i learned so far...), with a giant shield and a lightning spear. quite effective but most likely not very honourable.

    - putting down the red soapstone seems to me the easiest way for a 1v1 fight, or has anybody different experiences?

    generally, i would say, as long as beeing invaded, anything to destroy the invader should be legitimate, because this guy came into my world just to ruin my day. but how is it possible to set up a kind of a fair fight with certain rules?

    i am level 88 now and roaming around anor londo and ariamis.

    thanks for any response!


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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by JY4answer Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:42 am

    Welcome to the party. I'm sure every one would welcome a new honourable PvPer for good duels.

    - Not farming. That's called hosting, in fact. When you wait for invasions, you're the host, as DkS is p2p, instead of the usual server based.

    - You can invade with red/blue orbs or place a red soap sign to be summoned as an enemy, usually, USUALLY for duels. Prepare to be summoned to be banged by a gang of three. It happens. A lot.

    - Turtling isn't cheap, but its annoying. In other words its effective. But most see it as annoying and boring.

    - For fair 1on1s, people usually go to the Kiln of the First Flame. Although, again, prepare to be farmed.

    Honour-wise, people usually frown upon healing, spamming of powerful spells (wrath of gods / great combustion), and running to mobs. Some don't like the hornet ring, some can't live without it. Mask of father/mother/child and giants/havels armor are also frowned upon. Doing nothing but trying to back-stab is another magnet for hatemail. Black Knight Great Axe is considered slightly over-powered. Don't bother with buffing/enchanting a weapon. You'll regret it from all the people that run away or spam you with spells, or back stab you while in the animation.
    Tyler Durden
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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by RANT Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:32 am

    youre best option is to join some sort of organized pvp, there's fight clubs on ps3 and xbox, look at the stickies on top. but if you dont mind getting gangbaged go to kiln or painted world, you'll get some legit duels, specially in painted world, remember to never bow, even if they bow cause they could be baiting you to bow then bs you.

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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by LittleLuden Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:58 am

    "never bow"... i never thought of that... good hint, unfriendly maybe, but can be lifesaving. i will never bow again!

    now i will have a look at those fight clubs. that sound really appealing.

    see you on the battlefield, guys!

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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by ted1023 Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:09 pm

    LittleLuden wrote:"never bow"... i never thought of that... good hint, unfriendly maybe, but can be lifesaving. i will never bow again!

    Wait a minuite.. Not bowing when someone bows can be considered rude and cocky in a honorable PvP. I would say keep a safe distance and bow don't do it up close where they can B/S you or blast you with a spell. Also if they don't give you the chance to bow then all bets are off ..After the fight if it was clean and fair I always bow. Hell even if they did somthing crooked I still bow just proves at that moment I was better than them.. I never use the rude (well almost never somtimes you have to, to get your point across)
    Tyler Durden
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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by RANT Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:32 pm

    the only time i bow is when im hosting, i bow while theyre spawning that way i never have to deal with any bs, other than that situation i never bow. a lot of times when im hosting and bow they buff and rush me as soon as they can which really annoys me, if i really wanted to be cheap they wouldve been dead as soon as they spawned. its the gangbagers fault that no one bows anymore.

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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by LittleLuden Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:47 pm

    thats a good compromise.

    i am definetely not willing to lose any humanity on a friendly gesture to some dishonorable pricks.

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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by JY4answer Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:29 pm

    Would you stand from a high position, be honourable and polite, and die, or would you be safe and less polite? Your call.
    Chosen Undead
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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by Rynn Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:42 pm

    JY4answer wrote:Would you stand from a high position, be honourable and polite, and die, or would you be safe and less polite? Your call.

    I am mutually rude to everyone... instead of bowing I use the much quicker 'Shrug' emoticon.

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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by meridam99 Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:53 pm

    Kujii wrote:
    JY4answer wrote:Would you stand from a high position, be honourable and polite, and die, or would you be safe and less polite? Your call.

    I am mutually rude to everyone... instead of bowing I use the much quicker 'Shrug' emoticon.

    I bow if the situation warrants it (time, space, type of invasion). If I drop a sign, when I spawn, I check the area, then bow if allowable. If I invade (Red Eye), I don't bow because the host has no idea if I am honorable or not, and usually won't wait to find out.
    Chosen Undead
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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by User Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:55 pm

    Kujii wrote:
    JY4answer wrote:Would you stand from a high position, be honourable and polite, and die, or would you be safe and less polite? Your call.

    I am mutually rude to everyone... instead of bowing I use the much quicker 'Shrug' emoticon.

    When I had an egg head, I just used the kick motion to show my appreciation for his politeness. As a Dragon, I roared. My ways of showing polite dualing is more so than your shrug, defiantly.
    Chosen Undead
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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by Rynn Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:59 pm

    I'm a bit odd anyway... I use emoticons during a duel, you'll back off and instead of following I'll look skyward, or shrug again...

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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by reim0027 Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:19 pm

    I'll bow every time. I usually keep my distance to reduce the chance for BS. I'd rather start off a fight with good spirits. If it get s me BS, then so be it. Fortunately, that is uncommon.

    One exception - I won't when they are obviously going to jump me.
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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by User Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:01 am

    Kujii wrote:I'm a bit odd anyway... I use emoticons during a duel, you'll back off and instead of following I'll look skyward, or shrug again...

    Ya... I just show my worm. That pretty much shows what I feel about them when they run.

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    Post by theGentleman Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:51 am

    Perhaps the most important rule would be to keep things interesting. To me, nothing is more rude than wasting my time with the same ninja-flipping, WoG spamming, BKGA wielding tank that I just tapped out for the last three invasions.
    In my book, the lightning spear is an equally offensive weapon, it shows that you are willing to just take what the game gives you rather than putting thought into your arsenal and it also leaves room to assume that you lack the skill to beat S&O to get to the giant blacksmith to make better lightning weapons (if they are your choice).
    In short, if you see a thousand other people doing it, consider changing it up - it earns some respect if you are beat but makes losing to you somewhat satisfying because it's a new tactic to try to beat.

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    PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness Empty Re: PvP-Beginner questions conc. fairness

    Post by CrackSouls Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:08 am

    A little tip:
    If you join the Path of Dragon covenant and use the Dragon Eye item they give you, you only get spawned for 1v1 duels. They CANNOT farm you 3v1.
    Which is one of the reasons I love the covenant so much!

    Also, when you get to Soul Level 110-120, myself and a couple other people on this thread are a part of a "Fight Club"
    You are welcome to join us!

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