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    Chest to the left of Gwynevere Statue?


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    Age : 33

    Chest to the left of Gwynevere Statue? Empty Chest to the left of Gwynevere Statue?

    Post by Slarg232 Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:10 pm

    Has anyone figured out how to get to this thing and whats in it? It bugs the heck out of me.... It's not a mimic, you can tell by the Chain. You can clearly see it from the Rafters.

    Posts : 23
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    Age : 39
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    Chest to the left of Gwynevere Statue? Empty Re: Chest to the left of Gwynevere Statue?

    Post by Soulbreak Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:18 pm

    Yeah you can get to it without much hassle, it contains a Divine Blessing.

    Once you climb down the ladder or are near the gwynevere statue, roll onto the ledge in front of it and run over to the side where the chest is.
    From there you can roll between the pillars to get onto that side. (I tried a running jump previously, and sort of "bounced" off the pillar, no trouble with a well aimed roll though).
    To the left there's a staircase (with Painting Guardian hiding round the turn), follow it up and round to get the chest.
    Same process to return to the other side.

    Hope that helps.

    Posts : 1351
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    Join date : 2012-08-07
    Age : 33

    Chest to the left of Gwynevere Statue? Empty Re: Chest to the left of Gwynevere Statue?

    Post by Slarg232 Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:19 pm

    Cheers mate big grin

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    Chest to the left of Gwynevere Statue? Empty Re: Chest to the left of Gwynevere Statue?

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