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    Crystal Soul SPear misses at point blank. WTF?!


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    Crystal Soul SPear misses at point blank. WTF?! Empty Crystal Soul SPear misses at point blank. WTF?!

    Post by Automancer Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:59 am

    I've only recently started using sorceries because of my buff build and i've been missing a lot at point black range. Artorias, Firesage, Sanctuary Guardian and Manus seem to have magically small hitboxes. I'm right in Arty's face and i blast CSS at his awesome mug but it passes through him. WTH? Those buggers were staying still when i used CSS so it's really weird. Anyone else had this before?
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    Crystal Soul SPear misses at point blank. WTF?! Empty Re: Crystal Soul SPear misses at point blank. WTF?!

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:02 pm

    your catalyst goes above your head, which puts the angle of fire above the enemys head or if youre really close the souls spear may actually be being created past their hit box thus not affecting them.

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    Crystal Soul SPear misses at point blank. WTF?! Empty Re: Crystal Soul SPear misses at point blank. WTF?!

    Post by AzureCrow Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:16 pm

    It sounds like your casting where they are and not where they will be, the trouble with many ranged spells it they have a set target so even if you fire when a target is standing still if they move after the cast it will often miss.

    Try casting just after dodging the last attack in a boss's combo, so that you start to cast as they finish the attack and your spell will travel during their recovery animation. Each enemy has a different pattern however so dodge around until you've figured them out.

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    Crystal Soul SPear misses at point blank. WTF?! Empty Re: Crystal Soul SPear misses at point blank. WTF?!

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