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    Random Idea for a Game


    Posts : 1445
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    Join date : 2012-06-26
    Location : Junkyard Porto-John

    Random Idea for a Game Empty Random Idea for a Game

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:42 pm

    Pretty much every game that comes out these days fits into some specific genre. Here's an idea for something that would define a new genre.

    Wolf Pack

    This is a game in which the player takes third person control of a wolf in British Columbia. Controls are basic movement like every other game, with sprint, leap, bite attack, tackle attack, and throat grab attack. Combat is a bit of a button masher, but you have to mash the right button at the right time. It's not super hard, but is fast paced and fun.

    The game is something like Mount & Blade. You are put into an open world and free to do whatever you please. The stipulation is that you have to eat to stay alive, and this is what drives the game. Hunting by yourself will be very hard so joining a wolf pack will help. You can become the pack leader and gain new wolves, and challenge other wolve packs for territory. There is no end game criteria.

    In order to get into a wolf pack, you must submit to the pack leader and then prove yourself in a hunt. Hunting is a very team based activity and requires good tactics to cordon off an animal and flush it into friendlies. Wolf on wolf combat can end either in submission or a kill. To get a kill you have to attack the throat at the right time when it is exposed. You'll also be able to fight bears but this will take a large group of wolves and high morale, and will still likely result in wolf deaths. Since there is no blocking, combat is all about attack as fast as possible and using the right attack at the right time. It will be very gory and violent.

    The game will be playable offline or online, so players around the world can form wolf packs and fight for control of territories. There will be no voice chat as wolves don't speak, so like DKS the only communication is with gestures. You'll have ears up, tail straight (alert, pointing to something), ears down tail down (submission), tail wagging tongue out (happy), ears up, tail up, tall posture (claiming dominance), howl (cause your a wolf), etc etc.

    Think something like this would be fun?

    Posts : 1445
    Reputation : 77
    Join date : 2012-06-26
    Location : Junkyard Porto-John

    Random Idea for a Game Empty Re: Random Idea for a Game

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:50 pm

    To add further, to become a pack leader you must have the support of the majority of the other wolves and then you have to claim dominance over the current pack leader. You can do this without killing him if you have enough support, but if you don't you will have to kill him. Keeping him alive means that he could challenge you again in the future, but you will have a powerful wolf ally on your team if you do. Killing him might cause other wolves to abandon your pack as well. There is no counter for who supports you and who doesnt, everything is done by wolf gestures so you'll never be exactly sure where you stand with the others, but have a decent idea.

    There will be an experience and level meter, and as you gain experience through fighting, hunting, and spending time in wolf packs, you will be able to run faster, gain dominance more quickly, and deal more damage with biting attacks. You will have to choice which area to put points into as you level up.

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