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    An idea you might hate...


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    An idea you might hate... Empty An idea you might hate...

    Post by Seignar Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:11 pm

    A topic regarding armor defenses, I think that Dark Souls 2 should include an enhancement system on armor. Armors would have 1 or 3 slots of enhancement that you could use to uniquely improve the armor's performance. Your options would be (Their is no redo after you make an option, for balancing purposes):

    1) Reduce damage from Slash/Thrust/Crush/Regular/Magic/Fire/Lightning by 2%
    2) Increase Bleed/Poise/Toxin resistance by 5% (The armor's current resistance)
    3) Reduce critical damage by 4%

    The current armor system of Dark Souls is nice, but in the end it leads to players just using the same best armor (Note the Giants and pre-patched Gold-hemmed/maiden). This would make damage types meaningful.

    Of course I just say armor, but I think to some extent the same could be done for weapons, but that would be easy to break.

    So, I think the idea of enchanting has been a bit...overdone from my experiences and I'm not sure if any of you would like to see this in a souls game, but I would like to hear what you think about an armor enhancement systems.

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    An idea you might hate... Empty Re: An idea you might hate...

    Post by DE5PA1R Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:42 am

    I'm a huge fan of the Souls games, but I have to say that it's been a challenge for them to balance the options they've given (antiquated skirt or lightning weapons, anyone?) I think it's safe to say that we can expect more options (more armor/weapons/upgrade paths/spells/rings/etc) in the next Souls game - we've already seen at least 1 additional weapon, the falcata.

    I couldn't imagine the developers balancing these new options with the old ones AND THEN exponentially increasing those options with the system you've described.

    I do like the idea - it's been done well in plenty of games - but I just don't think it could fit into a Souls game that, I hope, will take PvP more seriously next go-round.
    Duke's Archivist
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    An idea you might hate... Empty Re: An idea you might hate...

    Post by DoughGuy Sat Dec 15, 2012 3:38 am

    But why wouldnt people just find the best armour then enhance its weaknesses up and have the same problem?
    Buggy Virus
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    An idea you might hate... Empty Re: An idea you might hate...

    Post by Buggy Virus Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:09 pm


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    An idea you might hate... Empty Re: An idea you might hate...

    Post by Infighter Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:09 pm

    You could just take heavy armor for example and enhance it with crit reduction, and reduced dmg from slash, and so on. There won't be any variety
    Buggy Virus
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    An idea you might hate... Empty Re: An idea you might hate...

    Post by Buggy Virus Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:32 pm

    I think armors in generally having minor specials, like masks, but more minor, would be interesting.
    Mr. Tart
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    An idea you might hate... Empty Re: An idea you might hate...

    Post by Mr. Tart Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:13 am

    Hate idea? Nope. I actually think it could be interesting if it were implemented, as long as these augmentations have a big variation and it's not just typical lightning defense, fire defense etc, but unique ones as well, like ''resistance against daggers'', ''extra damage against mages'', although that second one would be kinda hard i guess unless it was based on the weapons they used or perhaps if starting classes had a bigger impact on how you play rather than being able to get all stats with each class. Either way, if done correctly i'm sure it would be great, just gott a think of a way to make it fit with the lore. :|

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    An idea you might hate... Empty Re: An idea you might hate...

    Post by Acarnatia Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:21 pm

    A parallel of this actually existed for real armor. Being fluted, for example, made plate armor absorb a lot of force from blunt blows such as maces which otherwise sent concussive force right through the armor and still damaged organs and such. Having the armor fluted gave it a lot of protection from blunt damage. On the other hand, being fluted also made it catch piercing attacks such as from a spear. Similar trade-offs for other damage types occurred as well. I think the best enchanting system for armor is this:

    Bonus on normal defenses, penalty to other physical defenses
    Bonus on slash defenses, penalty to blunt defenses
    Bonus on blunt defenses, penalty to thrusting defenses
    Bonus on thrusting defenses, penalty to blunt defenses
    Bonus to magic defenses, penalty to magic damage done
    Bonus to fire defenses, penalty to magic defenses
    Bonus to lightning defenses, minor penalty to all physical defenses
    Bonus to poise, increase in weight
    Penalty to poise, decrease in weight

    I know it's like a rock-paper-scissors of damage types. I think it's still pretty accurate.

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