So I've stolen many a humanity from helpless wanderers around Lordran.
I've defended the forest from those silly, silly housewives.
I've spread terror and stolen the eyes of the innocent for the great Gravelord Nito.
I've even spent a little time slaying the guilty.
Now, it's time to become a dragon.
I'm going to be running dragon body and head on a heavily ranged character (Faith Archer), and also on a CMW buffing Dragon Bone Fist user with 40 STR (OIC, 25 INT). Both will be lvl 99 builds, but I want to know if there's any niche information or tips that any of you experienced dragons (I'm looking at you, Spurgun...) have for a baby dragon, fresh from the egg.
Thanks lovelies.
I've defended the forest from those silly, silly housewives.
I've spread terror and stolen the eyes of the innocent for the great Gravelord Nito.
I've even spent a little time slaying the guilty.
Now, it's time to become a dragon.
I'm going to be running dragon body and head on a heavily ranged character (Faith Archer), and also on a CMW buffing Dragon Bone Fist user with 40 STR (OIC, 25 INT). Both will be lvl 99 builds, but I want to know if there's any niche information or tips that any of you experienced dragons (I'm looking at you, Spurgun...) have for a baby dragon, fresh from the egg.
Thanks lovelies.