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    so how is gravelording


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    so how is gravelording  Empty so how is gravelording

    Post by raecor14 Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:21 am

    i want to become one but first i have a few questions
    1. would SL 99 in the township get good hits?
    2. how often do you get invaded?
    3 is it as fun as it looks ^_^

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    so how is gravelording  Empty Re: so how is gravelording

    Post by LunarFog Sun Dec 23, 2012 4:20 am

    1. Sorry, don't have DLC
    2. As long as you stand by in areas known for PVP then it happens quite often. Gravelording in the forest got me at least 1 fight within every 2 minutes. Sometimes it got me 3 invaders at once(half of that was the forest covenant but still)
    3. It's as fun as invading other people, only except you have the homefield advantage this time

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    so how is gravelording  Empty Re: so how is gravelording

    Post by bl0odyMe5s Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:48 am

    I've tried gravelording in Oolacile Township SL85 and there wasn't a lot of action going on. I'd recommend the forest. You will have a lot of invaders there, forest dudes, darkwraiths and of course the victims. From my personal experience, the forest is a good spot if you want to do a lot of pvp.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    so how is gravelording  Empty Re: so how is gravelording

    Post by RANT Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:10 am

    Shameless plug. Sl 99 and was getting invaded every minute.

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    so how is gravelording  Empty Re: so how is gravelording

    Post by abmoner Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:14 pm

    Yeah gravelording is awesome. Best covenant for PvP if you ask me. First join DW stack up on cracked red eyes (99 in Bb too) and have a descent amount of humanity.

    Think about it you can regular host, invade like a DW and gravelord for 3 types of PvP.

    Agreed on forest. Only because in the ot if you fight at the front door you get invaded by multiple people instantly. In the forest they usually get spawned far away so when your working on one guy you get that rush knowing I gotta finish this fight quick before you get double teamed.

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