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    Why replace Miyazaki?


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    Why replace Miyazaki? - Page 2 Empty Re: Why replace Miyazaki?

    Post by Juutas Mon Dec 24, 2012 6:05 pm

    Djem wrote:
    Juutas wrote:People seem to forget that Miyazaki is not FROM SOFTWARE, there is plenty of other talent there that made the first souls games awesome. True, Miyazaki had his part, but there is no reason to freak out about him being only in supervising role, there are other people in FROM that want to make great game and listen to their fans, it would be nice if the fans would give some more respect to the rest of the team as they give to Miyazaki.
    Evolution is not always bad eventhough it would seem scary right now. Dark Souls to me (and I'm sure to many others on this forum) was a 10/10 game, but even still there are some things that can be made better. Some of these changes demand bigger budget, with bigger budget we need more sales and for making bigger sales they need wider audience.
    Wider audience can be achieved with many little things that make the game more "accessible" probably meaning making it easier to pick up the game and start playing even if you have no experience about souls games (this was definitely not case with Dark Souls) by making a better tutorial and creating better understanding about game mechanics and what different items do so it wouldn't be so damn hard curve to start this game for a new player.
    Maybe Miyazaki didn't want these kind of things implemented in the game? Who knows.
    Of course there is a chance FROM will deliver a **** game, but do you really believe it? I have no doubt it will be a great game until I see some actual game footage, since I trust FROM SOFTWARE as a team.

    Completely agreed my Scandinavian friend. Also the music of your country is awesome.

    Haha, thank you! silly
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    Why replace Miyazaki? - Page 2 Empty Re: Why replace Miyazaki?

    Post by dancash1808 Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:58 pm

    Out of interest, what the hell is all this talk about dark souls being too difficult to get into? I heard it was good I bought it and played it, its not so difficult to get into. the only thing I see coming from this is spoonfeeding the player the plot "you are the big hero go rescue the special sword from that place and save the kingdom" which would not sit well with me.

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    Why replace Miyazaki? - Page 2 Empty Re: Why replace Miyazaki?

    Post by GenericUsername Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:42 am

    I have to say, after purchasing Demon's souls and playing through it, I really hope there are changes. Because from what I can tell, Dark souls was basically just a slightly more polished demon's souls.

    I mean, with demon's souls I was expecting to not know anything about the game or what was going on but I got pleasantly surprised when NPC's started to actually talk instead of muttering a few sentences here and there and there were even interesting cutscenes oh my! And before demons souls when I had mentioned the plot hardly being existant in Darks souls people just told me " oh you're not trying hard enough lol stupid casual " And now I really feel like my original thoughts are justiifiable after playing Demons souls.

    So yeah I really don't want Dark Souls 2 to turn out to be Demon's Souls 3.0
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    Why replace Miyazaki? - Page 2 Empty Re: Why replace Miyazaki?

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:53 am

    I'd argue though that dark wasn't demons 2.0. There were some huge changes to some key elements. The wide introduction of non scaling weapons, chopping off of tails, open and seamless world, covenants, estus, humanity, poise, the magic system, weapon upgrade system introduction of embers, the bonfire system, the list goes on. Also it actually has some cool optional bosses, while demons you had to kill each and every one. Makes for a better impression of the world I think as realistically you
    Don't have to kill every enemy to complete your task.

    To me dark wasn't just a more polished demons souls. It was a total expansion and upgrade on the raw concept thrown out in demons souls. I think that changes of the kind made in dark is the way forward. Keeping key ideas such as downbeat atmosphere, terrifying levels and bosses, in depth combat and demoralising difficulty, while expanding and changing the other important but less central concepts so that the series can evolve but still recognisably and unmistakably be be souls.

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    Why replace Miyazaki? - Page 2 Empty Re: Why replace Miyazaki?

    Post by raecor14 Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:07 am

    a development team is just that, a team. i share your fears but at the same time this is the monster hunter guy, dark souls was really just a higher budget demons souls. now im not saying thats a bad thing, but do we really want this to be like 90% of the zelda's? a clone with a gimmick? i for one do not, they could destroy what i love about the series, but Miyazaki has the old game stuck in his head, i doubt the new guys would have just jumped into this without finding out what makes the game one in a kind. they would have dissected it almost as much as we have found what makes it fun and then gone "but this takes away that fun, how about we do this instead".

    the way i choose to look at it is them "patching" the series. it could die. it could be made into the next GOW and none of us want that and like GOW it could loose many fans along the way OR it could turn into the next infamous, where it gets a load of fans along its journey and more players = better PVP better PVP means that the game itself has a longer playtime.

    and i bet your all about to say "but this doesn't mean we need a new director" or "infamous 2 was horrible" BUT take this into consideration when you where in school (or if, like me, you still are) do you not remember looking at an essay and being like "daym that's perfect" not changing a word of what YOU had then you would pass it onto a friend and they would point out 100 clear flaws that you missed because that essay was your lovechild. well this game is his, and flaws that are clear to most are not clear to him.

    as a closing statement i think all anyone can do is pray that our message is getting across and that the game stays true to what we all want. i actually remembered when i saw dark souls, it looked like crap in comparison to demons! now that i have played it and opened my mind i know that isn;t the case. wait till we know what we are dealing with before we act like these guys have ripped up our essay.

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    Why replace Miyazaki? - Page 2 Empty Re: Why replace Miyazaki?

    Post by MasterofShadows Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:32 pm

    Interesting points, Raecor. Zelda is a good example. As much as I loved Ocarina of Time, I am so sick of playing just another Ocarina of Time variant. The only one that tried to be a little different was the Windwaker. I'd like to see more variation. I don't mind them keeping a the story like they do in all of the Zelda games. What I'd like though, is to see them to in a different direction, like they did with Windwaker. Perhaps, this time try a darker more mature themed game. I've always wondered what a Zelda game would look like in a more mature light.

    Anyways, its just important to remember that change can be good if its done well and doesn't eliminate those things that are essential to the original work.

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    Why replace Miyazaki? - Page 2 Empty Re: Why replace Miyazaki?

    Post by raecor14 Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:52 am

    yeah thats my main fear for any series, even wind waker was similar to OOT. and they did do the majoras mask. it was never AS successful as OOT and i think thats why they are all so similar

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