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    Glass Cannon Int build, FUN FUN FUN!


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    Glass Cannon Int build, FUN FUN FUN! Empty Glass Cannon Int build, FUN FUN FUN!

    Post by Slarg232 Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:35 am

    I made a guy solely to get the Wisdom of a Sage acheivo, figured already had her at high Int, might as well try some PVP, right?

    Completely normal stats except Int being at 49, using the Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring, the Tin Crystallization cattylust, and the Dusk Crown Ring. I either one shot someone or they one shot me. But man, this is FUN!

    Doing this in the forest, might be part of it.

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    Glass Cannon Int build, FUN FUN FUN! Empty Re: Glass Cannon Int build, FUN FUN FUN!

    Post by TheMeInTeam Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:00 am

    Nothing like using chameleon in a fairly obvious place (they can't target lock) and then hitting anybody who doesn't use a bow with a boosted CSS :/.

    I got 1-shotted that way just once, then I learned to back away from the obvious fake shrubbery out of target range big grin. I guess if you have something like havel's shield you could just walk up to it blocking, but otherwise I'd prefer to just force them to drop the disguise from out of target range.

    Still, it's painfully effective against a lot of people as a cheap kill :/.

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    Glass Cannon Int build, FUN FUN FUN! Empty Re: Glass Cannon Int build, FUN FUN FUN!

    Post by Seignar Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:22 am

    You think that's fun? I roll around with that plus Power Within and Red Tearstone Ring. I 1-shot people with Dark Bead...from 30 feet away!
    Unpopular Opinions
    Unpopular Opinions

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    Glass Cannon Int build, FUN FUN FUN! Empty Re: Glass Cannon Int build, FUN FUN FUN!

    Post by Unpopular Opinions Mon Dec 24, 2012 5:19 pm

    Nothing lie ambushing unsuspecting twits and murdering them with OP gear big grin
    I give myself a little victory every time I get a rage message.

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    Glass Cannon Int build, FUN FUN FUN! Empty Re: Glass Cannon Int build, FUN FUN FUN!

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