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    Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100?

    Phoenix Rising
    Phoenix Rising

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    Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100? Empty Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100?

    Post by Phoenix Rising Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:26 pm

    Just like the title asks...most FC's allow 120's.

    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100? Empty Re: Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100?

    Post by RANT Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:31 pm

    if yo dont care about the arena then make a sl 120 or you could even go higher and host anywhere.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100? Empty Re: Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100?

    Post by The Letter X Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:33 pm

    That is the exact reason I leveled a few of my 100's to 120, 125, or even higher for Forest Hunting. I regret it now, though because certain events and tournaments cap at 100. I say get one character to 120/125 for hosting, and keep at least one SL 100 for events/tournies.
    Phoenix Rising
    Phoenix Rising

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    Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100? Empty Re: Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100?

    Post by Phoenix Rising Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:40 pm

    Was wondering because I have a 100 build that I'm seriously considering going to 120 with...but I'm unsure because I love the build the way it is.
    Phoenix Rising
    Phoenix Rising

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    Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100? Empty Re: Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100?

    Post by Phoenix Rising Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:42 pm

    The Letter X wrote:That is the exact reason I leveled a few of my 100's to 120, 125, or even higher for Forest Hunting. I regret it now, though because certain events and tournaments cap at 100. I say get one character to 120/125 for hosting, and keep at least one SL 100 for events/tournies.

    Ok there we go. The reason I was considering leveling it is because I'm a catbro. Buuuuuuuut it's also my only 100 build...

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    Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100? Empty Re: Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100?

    Post by aceluby Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:54 pm

    Phoenix Rising wrote:
    The Letter X wrote:That is the exact reason I leveled a few of my 100's to 120, 125, or even higher for Forest Hunting. I regret it now, though because certain events and tournaments cap at 100. I say get one character to 120/125 for hosting, and keep at least one SL 100 for events/tournies.

    Ok there we go. The reason I was considering leveling it is because I'm a catbro. Buuuuuuuut it's also my only 100 build...

    I'd say keep that one at 100 and roll a new toon. You can always change your mind later, but you can't change it back once you go over 100.

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    Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100? Empty Re: Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100?

    Post by reim0027 Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:01 pm

    Do what I do. Have a 100, 120, and 380 for the Forest. Problem solved.

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    Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100? Empty Re: Since I don't use the arena, is there a point in staying at SL 100?

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