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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!


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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Hydreigon11 Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:34 pm

    So another Pokemon has been announced for the 3DS, Pokemon X and Y (they really are running out of names aren't they).

    Anyway the starters look pretty inventive, Fennekin is probably the one I'd choose.

    So what do you guys think about this, personally I'm really excited because NEW GENERATION. I'm probably the only person here who likes Pokemon but hell, I wanted to express my feelings and wondered if anyone was as excited about this as I am. (the announcement trailer)

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Yukon Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:42 pm

    I think I read somewhere its suppose to play on DNA, as an excuse for the names. But if we get a mid-game called Pokemon Z.. well.. haha.

    I can't say I'm all to excited to see this, the starters don't do anything for me but at least they seemed to make the female player not look like an absolute **** this time around. Doubt I'll be picking up a 3DS just to play this since I had a super hard time getting into black and white already.

    Still its cool to see them changing up their graphics a bit.

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Sloth9230 Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:42 pm

    I have yet to see the trailer, but you are not alone!
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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:43 pm

    I hate that it's still only going to be available on hand-helds, in the great Pokemon tradition.

    I love Pokemon but I don't want a 3DS, why can't Nintendo just make a Steam site (or partner with Steam) to allow people to play Pokemon games on their computers?

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Sloth9230 Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:53 pm

    Trailer looks great, i regret selling my 3DS silly
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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:16 pm

    I love the way it's news when pokemon releases a new game.. it's kinda inevitable right?

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Hydreigon11 Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:17 pm

    Well I bought a 3DS on launch, and tbh I haven't used it for half a year. But I'll be willing to get the dust off it for pokemon. It's the old nintendo thing to do, create epic games for their original fanbase and create consoles for the casual side. I really hope that nintendo's console sales plummet so they could adopt the SEGA model. I mean how epic would Legend of Zelda be on Xbox, PS3 and PC imagine the possiblities. But since that day is hardly going to come about (the casual market is horrendously large) we all have to suck it up.

    But I do make a point of buying any nintendo handheld, because nintendo always produces the software that makes the game worthwhile. However home consoles are a little different. I played MH3 from release till summer 2012, because the software released in that period was next to nothing. The next game I bought for the wii was Xenoblade Chronicles, then all the project rainfall games and after that, well my wii is slowly gathering dust, but it does keep my papers in place silly.

    Nintendo won't make games available on other consoles because it shifts consoles, and Nintendo won't make a core console because casuals shift more. It's damn annoying.

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Ashran Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:29 pm

    I guess im gonna buy a 3ds...

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by ChizFreak Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:54 pm

    I liked Pokemon... until they were all the same. The formula got boring. The first pokemon I played was in my Gameboy Color, the Pokemon Gold in JAPANESE. Yeah, you read that right, it was japanese, but I couldn't understand a thing, but I manage to figure out how to fly, where to go, how to teach the HM to pokemons, of course I had to look in the internet because I didn't had any idea what the hell I was teaching to them... lol fun times... damn Ash didn't had chance, though his Pikachu gave me some troubles...

    Then I played Pokemon Emerald, this time in English, I liked it, but as you guys know, from GC to GBA there was a big jump, and new features and pokemons, it felt very similar, but at least it had some new things.

    But then the others pokemon... they are all the same... it just got me tired of it...

    This new game looks like it's exactly the same gameplay but in 3D, and maybe with some platform scenes that will be surely short and not too important. Graphics are not important you know...

    A gameplay reset is what this franchise needs.

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Hydreigon11 Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:11 pm

    But the gameplay is what makes Pokemon Pokemon. Remember FFXIII's gameplay reset? It was utter trash, I actually fell asleep tapping A, woke up and I had won a boss fight, it was horrendous. Last thing I want to see is a FPS of Pokemon, plus there is a lack of good and proper turn based RPG's like Pokemon. I can't see any problem with it and it's always fun discovering new Pokemon, I'm not one for mid generation releases but every generation has something new to offer, even if it is a reskin. You could say we are like more imaginative/less obsessive COD players when it comes to Pokemon.

    I would say if it ain't broke don't fix it but what fits better is if it ain't broke, improve it and do not FOR GOD'S SAKE follow any square enix plan.
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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:15 pm

    Hydreigon11 wrote:But the gameplay is what makes Pokemon Pokemon. Remember FFXIII's gameplay reset? It was utter trash, I actually fell asleep tapping A, woke up and I had won a boss fight, it was horrendous.

    I think that's a complete misuse of an example there. Final Fantasy historically has made a reputation of tweaking the battle systems with every new edition, and you can hardly say that each and every tweak since the first has been bad, some have been downright genius really.

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Hydreigon11 Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:30 pm

    Yeah probably a bad example, but I can't think of games that have been absolutely ruined by gameplay changes. All I know is Pokemon's gameplay is good, it's classic I can't see anyway to make it better and keeping it that way would be in Gamefreak's best interests.
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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:09 pm

    That's the thing. The only times I can remember gameplay changes is when they benefited the game. Mario 64, Metroid Prime, GTA, there's a lot of series when updated onto newer consoles, evolution of the gamplay not only becomes beneficial, but necessary.

    Maybe pokemon has reached that time, maybe it hasn't. I'm sure though that it'll be fine like the last pokemon, and the one before that. The formula is solid practise really.

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Sloth9230 Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:13 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:That's the thing. The only times I can remember gameplay changes is when they benefited the game. Mario 64, Metroid Prime, GTA, there's a lot of series when updated onto newer consoles, evolution of the gamplay not only becomes beneficial, but necessary.

    Maybe pokemon has reached that time, maybe it hasn't. I'm sure though that it'll be fine like the last pokemon, and the one before that. The formula is solid practise really.

    Mortal Kombat going 3d... worst mistake ever. Good thing they went back to 2d.

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Hydreigon11 Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:18 pm

    The thing is with those evolutions they were from a 2d to a 3d perspective. I can't see how you can mess with the turn based format to flip stuff around. All they can do without evolving the battle system is making the battles more physical, as they seem to be doing in X and Y. Really the only way Pokemon an improve is to make a Pokemon Colosseum like battle style. Where the pokemon interact with each other and react to the attacks they receive, improving on what Colosseum did. Other than that the only change they can make is taking it away from turn based, and if Gamefreak wanted to do that, they'd make spinoffs, which they do, a lot.
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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:21 pm

    I can't remember when they went 3d.. was that mortal kombat 4?

    I gotta say i was a massive fan of the ps2 mortal kombats, deception in particular i thought was amazing. Still havent got the new one.. or tekken 6/ tag 2... feel like im letting down some franchises that i've been buying for years, not that i'd buy them brand new anyway due to them being fighting games with probably little replay value (especially tekken)

    but hydreigon, did you see the trailer? It looks like pokemon has finally gone 3-D.. have you got some new cool gameplay to look forward to too perhaps?

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Yukon Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:23 pm

    The only way I could think to improve Pokemon is to drop the forced story; Pokemon is just a kid and his monsters traveling around, it doesn't need an evil mastermind. Return a jackass NPC rival that you actually want to beat up; instead of post-Gold/Silver/crystal rivals that are pathetically weak, both physically and mentally, and feel the need to remind you of that every encounter....and make it an MMO. winking

    Also, chiz, not sure if that graphics thing was directed at me? But I agree graphics aren't a big deal.. however the stick arm appearance of the black/white sprites drove me bonkers. I'd rather see them more blocky or like this and actually fleshed out. They looked painfully weird in B/W.

    Last edited by Yukon on Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:40 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : making my sentences make tenses?)

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    New Pokemon for the 3DS!!! Empty Re: New Pokemon for the 3DS!!!

    Post by Hydreigon11 Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:36 pm

    Yes Pokemon has finally gone 3d-esque. I'm pretty excited cos I know that the battles can look like so much more, rather than my Snivy dying to a little flame popping up underneath him, a Pokemon would walk up to him a breathe fire, just makes it more enjoyable really. It would give the attacks more weight, and make me feel more responsible for my team. And I think that's what makes Pokemon so likeable, because you craft your team, you decide the bonds you have with them, and you grow to love those little abilities that save you from losing a battle.

    I wanted to go into the competitive pokemon scene, but all the EV training and everything just seemed like genetically manufacturing something, you don't grow or learn with it, you're just using it for its qualities and that went away from why I play Pokemon. Ah, I remember the first time my Treecko (first game I played was Ruby) evolved, I was so pleased.

    It seems like a really shallow and cutesy game, but you grow to love these little quirks and because the pokemon are yours you feel like you should know them and fight with them.

    Anyway I really would like to see a complete douche of a rival, it has been so long that I have screamed, FEEL IT YOU STUPID MURR F***ING (insert name of rival's starter here) after it killed off my whole team, and one guy rose from death to beat this sorry fools butt into the ground. So satisfying

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