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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!


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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by Myztyrio Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:15 pm

    Y'know, the one that shoots little blasts of arrows at you, looks like a crab, and drops twin humanities big grin

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by lalliman Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:19 pm

    The fabled hostile vagrant... so the myths are true... *gazes into the distance*

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by Aznul Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:20 pm

    I believe that is a vagrant. It is created by someone else failing to pick up a bloodstain in their world. Personally I have only seen 2, one in anor londo(by the broken window leading to the dragonslauer bow) and one in the oolacile township(near the long narrow bridge leading to the caster below the first mimic).

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by Myztyrio Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:28 pm

    It was right by the Sunlight Altar, it shot a burst round at me while I was summoning for the Parish and it missed. It only took a few hits of a unupgraded Battle Axe to kill it thought silly Undoubtedly it was the remains of some poor Darkwraith victim >big grin Or possibly the dragon..

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by RedderAI Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:47 pm

    I've only seen a vagrant once. My very first playthrough. It was in the parish. Disappeared before I got to it. sad

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by Azamuth Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:34 am

    I've seen two of those, one in Blighttown, near the Server, and the other one was at Undead Parish, near the Fire Keeper Soul. When I first saw it I didn't know what the heck that was xD untill it started attacking me '-'

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by Ashran Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:14 am

    I saw one this week in the Sunlight Altar. Almost freaked out when something hitted me while resting at the bonfire. And then, i saw it. The Legendary VAGRANT!
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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by GrinTwist Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:05 am

    Yes the vagrant, legendary in it's ability to never go into your game. It is one of the most unique things that we can see in the game as it will drive you insane by it's lack of presence in the game and it's complete irrelevance to the dark souls plot itself. This is not to mention that once you finally see that shimmering light and those oh so powerful attacks that you can't help but feel unimpressed by what this beast drops at the end of this fight. Twin humanity and around 5000 souls, a truly pathetic drop for such a legendary creature but let us not forget that that is the nature of the vagrant. It's the games way of telling you that it doesn't like you.

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by Myztyrio Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:57 am

    Wait... It's actually powerful? It missed when it shot at me, so I have no idea how much damage it would have done, and it only took me a few swings to kill it.

    It seems a lot of people are getting vagrants around the parish. Either invaders are really kicking it there, or someone is deciding to make vagrants more visible, and ideally to less experienced players apparently.

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by zelda75 Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:14 am

    I've seen my first yesterday too ! But guess what, it was on the ledge to the snipers in Anor Londo, so i died killing it...

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by Sir-flicker Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:49 am

    I was in the parish the other day and was fighting balders when bang, I was hit for 80% of my health. I didnt know what the hell was going on. I saw the burst attack. Looked liked little blue souls arrows. I was killed by it. I was only lvl 14. So the fact it didnt one hit me would seem that its not that powerful unless its depends on witch area you are in. I had never heard of a vagrant before reading this post.

    Despite my best effort my mate did not believe me.
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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by densetsushun Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:52 am

    I saw it about a week or two ago at the Oolacile Township bridge with the ******* dark sorcerer on the other side.
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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by Tolvo Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:53 am

    I've seen four today, one in the Royal woods and Three in the Oolacile Abyss.

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by SlakeMoth Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:33 am

    Never, ever seen one. I feel deprived.
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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by The Letter X Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:13 am

    SlakeMoth wrote:Never, ever seen one. I feel deprived.

    Same here. I'm not too lucky with these things to begin with.
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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:19 am

    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Evil_v10

    People seemed to disregard my buddy when he was my avatar. I used to see him frequently during forest invasions (Me being the hunter). twisted

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by LoreFF Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:51 am

    i saw a red one yestoday. Dident do a lot of damage to it with my +5 Rapier.

    And a white one a couple of weeks ago in Anor londo above boss room-

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by Myztyrio Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:10 am

    Damn, it seems these things are becoming more common.

    Online servers improving?

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

    Post by Ashran Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:59 am

    Myztyrio wrote:Damn, it seems these things are becoming more common.

    Online servers improving?

    An ancient evil is awakening...

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    I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies! Empty Re: I saw one of those Red Humanity Thingies!

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