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    sl 100 quality build


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    sl 100 quality build Empty sl 100 quality build

    Post by Rifter7 Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:19 am

    hey this is an arena build i'm going to use next. it's pretty standard, but if you're new to this stuff it should help.

    -the heals for arena, but you can move the points around and change the class to get a gmw
    -thorns lets you backstab cancel and continue a stagger, which is useful with the washing pole if you drop the shield to dark hand for thorns.
    -the third build shows some suggested swaps, don't actually use them all like that it's not going to work.
    -the wolf ring can be swapped for rtsr at low hp or for a dwgr to flip around with a spear.
    -buff with lightning or charcoal resin if you stay with heal.

    lemme know if you've got a suggestion for weapons or if you think i made a mistake, thanks and good luck if you use this build. i might be able to help out with changing the armor around if its not your style too i guess.

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    sl 100 quality build Empty Re: sl 100 quality build

    Post by WyrmHero Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:44 am

    You like versatility don't you? They look fine except for the murakumo 1 since I like using a good shield with curved greatswords. You know that you don't need 53 poise anymore right, most people don't use curved greatswords, they're easily toggle escaped anyway. You should aim for 62 poise for dealing with spears and curved sword R1 spammers, or just stay at 40 for more HP.

    Posts : 1523
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    Join date : 2012-05-05
    Location : Tama

    sl 100 quality build Empty Re: sl 100 quality build

    Post by Rifter7 Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:47 am

    greatsword 2h r1's are 53 and ultra 1h's are 51 poise. not getting staggered has it's advantages in situations vs those weapons, and i'm not talking about avoiding a stunlock either or a players ability to toggle that stunlock, you're still staggered regardless... preference tho.

    but an example.. lets say going for a poise bs vs a curved sword or greatsword isn't doable, but you know you can kill them in a few hits and you've got the hp to trade. you've got a kat and a flame with gc.
    trade the r1's and you can follow up with a kick and a gc for a kill. with 40 poise you've been staggered in the trade regardless, and most of the time wont be able to trade off and kill them there and then.. so you've prolonged that fight and increased their chances of killing you. you know? idk thats how i look at it tho.

    and i mean yeah.. roll bs.. but i mean you can't ALWAYS do that. you can't always theorycraft about how you'll have certain answers to what they do.. so having more options doesn't hurt.

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