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Soris Ice Goldwing
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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?


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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by Henkyona Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:24 pm


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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by AFROJT Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:28 pm

    Get it for the system you prefer more.

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by MauvaDeX Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:30 pm

    Get it for the console you like it most.

    I Own it on the PS3 and PC.

    And I have all three platforms.

    The reaoson I got it for the PS3 first was because I had Demon's Souls,and I wanted to have te second Souls game on the same console.

    And I'll do it again,I'll buy the Dark Souls 2 first on the PS3,even PC being my main platform =]

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by BagerX2 Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:37 am

    I have it on PC and PS3. The improvement to resolution and framerates on the PC version, with the fix of course, are nice, and the load times are better. I like the PC version better for single player. For multiplayer I like the PS3 version since there are a lot of people on it and, I think, fewer cheaters since I don't think you can mod your character. Overall I would agree with the others and say get it for what you prefer.

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by Oh_the_Humanity Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:03 am

    No, don not get it for the console you like most.
    Get it for PS3, period.
    I am not a fanboy I am speaking solely on the fact that there is a significantly less number of people cheating. It's a huge difference to be honest.
    On 360 you can load your save files onto a flash drive and mod your files and your game is hacked.
    On PC (which I play)you can run trainers, which is the worst for obvious reasons. The PS3 doesn't have trainers or games save hacks.
    Honestly I don't know what it has to allow for cheating.
    I don't recall encountering cheaters on my short time using my PS3 (6 to 8 months or so)
    That's basically the only reason and the only difference in the two versions. There identical in every way except for the type of people that play it.
    A better way of putting it would be, that type of player is cut off from cheating on PS3

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by RePaused Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:17 am

    You should get it for PS3.
    There are tons of hackers/modders on Xbox and Pc, but on PS3 there are few to none. It will be more fun playing fair.
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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:21 am

    The definition of fair playing in Dark Souls varies by person. Each has their pros and cons but at the end its up to you. I'm xbox and yes you get hackers once in a while but at the end its your choice.

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by LordRevan Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:30 am

    Basically get the game for which ever system your friends use.

    If none of them play Dark Souls then.

    - PC looks and performs superior to both consoles. But pays for it by having a lot of hackers, and there are not too many PC forum-ers.

    Otherwise both consoles are similar:

    - Xbox has a minor amount of hackers(I've played it on Xbox since it came out, have faced <5 ), always could use more Xbox forum-ers as well.
    - PS3 should have no hackers. Also since the majority of this forums main users are PS3, the forum events are better.

    Lastly, both consoles have a very active playerbase. PC could be lacking at times however.

    Last edited by LordRevan on Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:05 am; edited 2 times in total
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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by Animaaal Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:30 am

    RePaused wrote:You should get it for PS3.
    There are tons of hackers/modders on Xbox and Pc, but on PS3 there are few to none. It will be more fun playing fair.

    If I had to pick one, this would be a contributing factor. Granted the amount of hackers you'd actually run into would be far and in between, but yes they do exist.

    Main reason would be is that I believe a majority of the player base is on ps3. Demon's Souls was a ps3 exclusive and almost EVERY DeS player transfered to Dark Souls upon release. So logically it would be my assumption that you'd see more activity on the playstation as opposed to the xbox or pc.

    However, it is an assumption. Which system has the highest number of active players I don't rightly know. I do know its not pc though.

    Last edited by Animaaal on Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:32 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by Kyōkai Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:30 am

    Get it for the PS3.

    And this is coming from a guy who has Dark Souls for Xbox.

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:33 am

    I have it on PS3 and Xbox, and I'd recommend XBox. There are hackers, which are annoying, but they are not the standard. The benefits are a better network connection/less lag. Lag stabs are the standard on playstation and are just as annoying to me as hackers. Neither are fun.

    Also, there's no resonance on the PS3 which is a nice addition to any faith character.

    You can also voice chat on the XBox which is really, really nice if you like to coop with a certain person. PS3 doesn't support that. Some people say it ruins the experience, but if you don't like it, don't use it. I really like using it.

    There's pros and cons to all systems, but between the two I prefer Xbox for the reasons stated. If you live in Japan, PS3 network is likely better so that becomes a moot point (same if you live in Europe; don't know what the majority of people play on).

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by Ashran Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:01 am

    Kyōkai wrote:Get it for the PS3.

    And this is coming from a guy who has Dark Souls for Xbox.

    Im gonna second this. I like xbox but i wish i had a ps3. For dks and demons souls...

    pd: xbox pad FTW

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by defacto Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:50 am

    Animaaal wrote:
    RePaused wrote:You should get it for PS3.
    There are tons of hackers/modders on Xbox and Pc, but on PS3 there are few to none. It will be more fun playing fair.

    If I had to pick one, this would be a contributing factor. Granted the amount of hackers you'd actually run into would be far and in between, but yes they do exist.

    Main reason would be is that I believe a majority of the player base is on ps3. Demon's Souls was a ps3 exclusive and almost EVERY DeS player transfered to Dark Souls upon release. So logically it would be my assumption that you'd see more activity on the playstation as opposed to the xbox or pc.

    However, it is an assumption. Which system has the highest number of active players I don't rightly know. I do know its not pc though.

    In America it sold 50/50 on ps3 and Xbox. Both Europe and Asia both bought mostly ps3.
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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by Tolvo Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:02 am

    Mark actually has a point about the connection, but it's not simply that the PS3 has a worse ability to connect you with others. The PS3 is a lot more widespread, while the Xbox is far more western oriented. So, on the PS3 you are more likely to face players on the other side of the world than when playing on Xbox.

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by SlakeMoth Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:12 am

    I played Demon Souls so it was a natural progression to play Dark Souls on PS3 even though I have an XBox too. Also, although I play offline a fair bit, if I want to go online, it's free whereas you have to pay for a Gold Sub on XBox.

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by Flankydizzle Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:20 am

    I have it on every system and i'd recommend PS3, non stop coop and invasions.

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by Oh_the_Humanity Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:43 pm

    Tolvo wrote:Mark actually has a point about the connection, but it's not simply that the PS3 has a worse ability to connect you with others. The PS3 is a lot more widespread, while the Xbox is far more western oriented. So, on the PS3 you are more likely to face players on the other side of the world than when playing on Xbox.

    Good point!

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:03 pm

    I do know that the connection is better on average. Even playing against North American players it seems stronger on Xbox. I mean the PS3 doesn`t even support resonance; that tells me something is fishy with it.

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    Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox? Empty Re: Should I get DkS for the PS3 or Xbox?

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