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    So I got summoned into a new game+


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    So I got summoned into a new game+ Empty So I got summoned into a new game+

    Post by Henkyona Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:35 pm

    I don't know how high it was but a Hallow Soldier hit me once for over 659 hp and that was my full hp and I died and an Onion Bro was standing there then did the "well what is it" pose did I just get trolled?
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    So I got summoned into a new game+ Empty Re: So I got summoned into a new game+

    Post by Animaaal Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:39 pm

    No, the host really has nothing to gain from you dying. They were probably just using you as fodder and hoping you might be able to keep up.

    Dont sweat it ...happens to all of us lol. Shame you didn't make it though, you get a whole lots more souls dats wayz.

    SOme people do troll like that though, I dont know why, but they do.

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    So I got summoned into a new game+ Empty Re: So I got summoned into a new game+

    Post by lextune Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:41 pm

    I have a level 22 Crestfallen Warrior cosplay build that is into NG 4 or 5 I think. I have run into a few seemingly surprised summons from time to time I must admit, lol.
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    So I got summoned into a new game+ Empty Re: So I got summoned into a new game+

    Post by Marino. Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:42 pm

    Eeyup . You got trolled .

    Its for all those co.cky little wanabe badasses that want to cheese through the Burg like it aint no thing and then suddenly bam you're Dead .

    I aprove of this happy

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    So I got summoned into a new game+ Empty Re: So I got summoned into a new game+

    Post by Sir_Dorito Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:46 pm

    I got summoned in on a New game +7
    I was only level 40.
    It was Anor Londo. I just got the game for Playstation 3 not too long ago and all my stuff was barely upgraded (Stil is). I just barely made it past the first couple silver knights before being taken out by mimic -_-.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
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    So I got summoned into a new game+ Empty Re: So I got summoned into a new game+

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:48 pm

    If the host stood there and let you die you got one of two things. A: The host expected you to handle it and got pissed off that you couldn't kill an "easy" foe. B: The host knew you would never survive and let you died for laughs. I find A dumb so B is what likely happened.

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    So I got summoned into a new game+ Empty Re: So I got summoned into a new game+

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