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    Hiatus and goodies

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    Hiatus and goodies Empty Hiatus and goodies

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:27 pm

    Sadly, I will be going on Dark Souls hiatus for awhile. At least as my main nightly attraction. I have gotten to the point where some places/tasks feel more like work than they should and want to leave with all of the magic of the game intact. I posted this in the Player Help section because I have goodies for grabs from NG and NG+. I plan on making a donation of many items to Maneater_Mildred's store but feel free to message me on PS3 if you think I might have something you need or want. I have very little to offer as far as anything boss related goes (souls, weapons) but anything that is available 1x per playthrough I typically have one or two extras of (for now). Also, online still holds some fascination for me so feel free to message me for duels or co-op (sl 155). I'm sure I'll still check the forums often as this community played a significant role in my enjoyment of the game.

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    Hiatus and goodies Empty Re: Hiatus and goodies

    Post by CrackSouls Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:55 am

    Well, if it's not too much to ask I'm always looking for titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Dragon Scales.
    Ill I be seeing you in the SL120 fight club at least?
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    Hiatus and goodies Empty Re: Hiatus and goodies

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:40 am

    I leveled out of range for Fight Club (155 currently) but anyone is free to message me for duels if they have a toon around there. I have a good amount of chunks of every color as I spent a lot of time dropping a white sign at the kiln and then killing the black knights for pass time. If no one summoned me then I would homeward bone and repeat. I also have enough Black Knight weapons to start my own army of them (although only two would have armor).
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    Hiatus and goodies Empty Re: Hiatus and goodies

    Post by Serious_Much Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:41 am

    Have fun with whatever you're playing then big grin

    (better not be new final fantasy though) silly

    and im sure maneater will gladly accept your donations cheers

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    Hiatus and goodies Empty Re: Hiatus and goodies

    Post by meridam99 Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:06 pm

    I say dump it all on Mildred, it is good to have a central location for stuff.
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    Hiatus and goodies Empty Re: Hiatus and goodies

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:17 pm

    I bit on the last Final Fantasy and still have a bad taste from it. Linear...linear....linear.....YAY!!! I Finally have places to explore!!'s only one area and really only just kill the next monster "quests".....linear....linear...weird racing event with summons...linear.....done. Wait, what just happened?

    So new Final Fantasy for this guy. Probably (don't yell at me) Skyrim once I stop drooling on my Vita.

    I tried PMing Mildred here because I have so many donations that I wanted to see if there was a "do not" donate list and didn't want to clutter the store's thread. I'll probably just send her a PSN message. Tried a few donations and it is a pain to give out things individually. Which just makes me realize more what a crazy good thing Mildred does.

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