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    Faithful Master


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    Faithful Master Empty Faithful Master

    Post by WyrmHero Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:27 pm

    There's nothing revolutionary here, it's a simple Dex/Faith for SL 100. However I'm planning to use him for the event. Iaito is my favorite katana, but at SL 55 20 Dex seems like a waste for same AR as an uchi. Here's how he looks at SL 55:

    He'll swap Demon's Spear, 37 Vit my bad.

    At SL 100:

    Swap SKS. Use another WoG instead of heal for non arena duels.

    Wolf Ring can get me as high as 40 poise. Sometimes I think the DWGR's I frames are far more useful than the low poise, but needs more testing. This one will only buff if they buff as well according to his honor code. My other builds were buff dependent and they suck. What do you guys think?
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    Faithful Master Empty Re: Faithful Master

    Post by Animaaal Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:15 am

    You're sl 55 is <3 if you ask me. Your Uchi logic is sound and I loooooooooove the look bud. If I had a plus one you'd get it for that alone.

    I got a look I like: Ponytail 7 Poise

    But you give up some really good magic defenses. You're only going to increase your defenses minimally anyway, no matter how many times you critique your armor. The 7 poise will be nice if you face a dagger, but since the nerf to the poise stabber, daggers seem more rare. But there is the Dark Tracer now I suppose.

    This is what I'd use at 100: Yojimbo

    Now I switched to the Darkhand, but thats strictly preference. By doing that, I am able to have more defenses than before, but that is not the main reason. I like how it knocks you back while blocking. The 80's across the board is kind of a b!tch, but its worth it imo. As long as you block, you dont get stunlocked. A fair trade for my playstyle. I dont block much. i want it to count.

    I'd also keep the uchi. But thats only because when considering the Iatio r2, I feel it becomes replaced with the DWGR. The Iatios r2 seems redundant with the DWGR on. But then again thats playstyle prefernce only. Then you have force too. I love that as well.

    Again I love the look dude. I'd play it for that alone. I have a couple builds that would benefit or become more "optomized" with slightly different set ups, but my most effective builds are the ones slightly not optomized. The DWGR for instance. One of my builds would benefit from the Leo ring by far, but I love flippin around with my Ricards Rapier. I feel it adds to my element of suprise, thereby making me more confident, ergo better.

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    Faithful Master Empty Re: Faithful Master

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:38 am

    Mine and yours both look epic, the hat + kat gives a sweet samuraish tone.

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    Faithful Master Empty Re: Faithful Master

    Post by Cabjoy Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:41 am

    WyrmHero wrote:There's nothing revolutionary here, it's a simple Dex/Faith for SL 100. However I'm planning to use him for the event. Iaito is my favorite katana, but at SL 55 20 Dex seems like a waste for same AR as an uchi. Here's how he looks at SL 55:

    He'll swap Demon's Spear, 37 Vit my bad.

    At SL 100:

    Swap SKS. Use another WoG instead of heal for non arena duels.

    Wolf Ring can get me as high as 40 poise. Sometimes I think the DWGR's I frames are far more useful than the low poise, but needs more testing. This one will only buff if they buff as well according to his honor code. My other builds were buff dependent and they suck. What do you guys think?

    Damn it Wyrm! Every time you post a build I'm impressed, and reminded by how utterly boring my builds in this game are. sad

    Keep up the good work man!

    Oh, and that SL 55 variant looks absolutely brutal. It looks like it could stand up against SL100 builds if you're smart and can land a few more hits.
    Tyler Durden
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    Faithful Master Empty Re: Faithful Master

    Post by RANT Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:33 am

    it'sa dex build. that is all.
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    Faithful Master Empty Re: Faithful Master

    Post by Animaaal Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:04 am

    WyrmHero wrote:Mine and yours both look epic, the hat + kat gives a sweet samuraish tone.

    Sho nuff!


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    Faithful Master Empty Re: Faithful Master

    Post by raecor14 Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:17 am

    swap your force for an emit force. also the Iato has the ability to dead-angle pretty easily so there it is. this is what i would have done.

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    Faithful Master Empty Re: Faithful Master

    Post by Rifter7 Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:36 am

    i think buffs suck in duels where your opponent wont cry bloody murder if you pull a spear.. except maybe on like a bss or a halberd.. washing pole too probably.

    now.. you're willing to swap spears, and you're considering the wolf and dwgr ring..
    i mean dude.. you can swap them lol! there's no weight restriction, just bring em both. and a rtsr.

    you encounter a greatsword or bigger? get the dwgr or try to get 53-56 poise. you encounter a kat or something small? put on wolf.
    wanna use you spear? dwgr.
    kat? wolf ring.

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    Faithful Master Empty Re: Faithful Master

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:59 am

    Rifter7 wrote:i think buffs suck in duels where your opponent wont cry bloody murder if you pull a spear.. except maybe on like a bss or a halberd.. washing pole too probably.

    now.. you're willing to swap spears, and you're considering the wolf and dwgr ring..
    i mean dude.. you can swap them lol! there's no weight restriction, just bring em both. and a rtsr.

    you encounter a greatsword or bigger? get the dwgr or try to get 53-56 poise. you encounter a kat or something small? put on wolf.
    wanna use you spear? dwgr.
    kat? wolf ring.

    That's exactly what I was thinking about. The buff is only used if they buff because most of them will turtle till my buff runs out.
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    Faithful Master Empty Re: Faithful Master

    Post by Animaaal Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:57 pm

    Here's your +1 for style points I couldn't give you yesterday.

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    Faithful Master Empty Re: Faithful Master

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:02 pm

    Thank you!!!!!

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