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    Themed builds?


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    Themed builds? Empty Themed builds?

    Post by Johnthethird Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:46 am

    Anyone have any really funny but also useful builds? I made a build called Farmer John. Basically I have two plows, a wanderers robe and a big hat. I invade in the forest, and I run around and destroy the trees that can be destroyed. They usually will try to backstab me. What I will do is that I will just dodge their attacks, and keep stabbing the trees.

    If I get hit once, or another hunter invades I go into agro mode where I viciously attack the host and his phantom. When they die, they get to see me continue to "harvest my crops"

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    Themed builds? Empty Re: Themed builds?

    Post by LunarFog Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:10 am

    You should get a crossbow to act as a shotgun too. Make sure to just double hand it.

    I used to have a level 15 build with full black-hemmed set and Priscilla's scythe. I'd invade in undead parish and just stand in front of the altar, not moving and not attacking unless the host walks up to me.

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    Themed builds? Empty Re: Themed builds?

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:32 am

    LunarFog wrote:You should get a crossbow to act as a shotgun too. Make sure to just double hand it.

    I used to have a level 15 build with full black-hemmed set and Priscilla's scythe. I'd invade in undead parish and just stand in front of the altar, not moving and not attacking unless the host walks up to me.

    Psycho and...genius.

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    Themed builds? Empty Re: Themed builds?

    Post by Ashran Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:42 am

    Im doing a NieR build right now. Always with greatswords, no hat, never shield and never parry. I think i will use the gravelord dance to simulate Grimoire Weiss' execution.

    Never played Nier? HERESY! maybe one of the best console rpgs.
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    Themed builds? Empty Re: Themed builds?

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:32 pm

    Nier... so epic, such great music and controls almost on par with dark souls not to mention a great story. plus the protagonist isn't another skinny tween but a middle aged dad who can seriously kcik some ***

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