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    In your first playthrough, what type of build will you use for dark souls 2?


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    In your first playthrough, what type of build will you use for dark souls 2? Empty In your first playthrough, what type of build will you use for dark souls 2?

    Post by Johnthethird Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:54 pm

    Assuming that the builds will be like those in dark souls 1, what type of build will you use? Personally, I will be using a strength/intelligence build like I did with my first play-through of dark souls 1.

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    In your first playthrough, what type of build will you use for dark souls 2? Empty Re: In your first playthrough, what type of build will you use for dark souls 2?

    Post by Seignar Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:44 pm

    I'll just go with the flow. Why limit yourself from the very beginning?
    My first character was a DEX, STR, INT, VIT, RES, END hybrid...I suppose next time I can try to incorporate a bit of FAI.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    In your first playthrough, what type of build will you use for dark souls 2? Empty Re: In your first playthrough, what type of build will you use for dark souls 2?

    Post by The Letter X Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:05 pm

    I'm going to attempt a quality build. I'll be fine with a few screwups, though.

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    In your first playthrough, what type of build will you use for dark souls 2? Empty Re: In your first playthrough, what type of build will you use for dark souls 2?

    Post by Ashran Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:00 am

    As always, i will start with a mage. Its a tradition for me.

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    In your first playthrough, what type of build will you use for dark souls 2? Empty Re: In your first playthrough, what type of build will you use for dark souls 2?

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