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    SWORD choice


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    SWORD choice Empty SWORD choice

    Post by chainsaw Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:21 am

    I have read that the Greatsword of Arotrias is one of the best in the game. However I have read in a post here that a +15 axe is better. I am at sl 188 st50 dex41 faith50 humanity63. would this be a good sword for my build?


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    SWORD choice Empty Re: SWORD choice

    Post by LunarFog Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:25 am

    since greatsword of artorias scales decently with faith, int, strength, and dex, it has the highest potential vs weapons that only scale with one or two stats.

    Assuming you have minimal stats to weild the Artorias sword(which is 24 strength and 20 int), the artorias sword does more damage than any of the axes.

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    SWORD choice Empty Re: SWORD choice

    Post by alchemydesign Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:27 am

    GSoA has an Int requirement as well, the noncursed version requiring 20 Int / 20 Faith. It scales with all stats but has a cutoff point I heard so you have to sink a lot of points in a lot of stats...well, your Int now at least.

    But since you've listed humanity...are you meaning the Abyss Greatsword from the DLC? If so, I think it cuts off at 10 Humanity like the chaos weapons *tho I could be mistaken. :-S


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    SWORD choice Empty Re: SWORD choice

    Post by GenericUsername Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:39 am

    The arty GS is excellent if you have the stats to back it up, but you have to watch out for its seperate damages. Some enemies that have higher magic defense really don't take as much damage as say, a +5 abyss GS would dole out
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    SWORD choice Empty Re: SWORD choice

    Post by RANT Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:54 am

    with those stats the man serpent gs is a much better and you can buff it.

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    SWORD choice Empty Re: SWORD choice

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:12 am

    Claymore, then buff with SLB. In terms of sheer damage that would be your best bet. Since you don't have Intelligence, the GSoA is out in terms of viability.
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    SWORD choice Empty Re: SWORD choice

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:13 pm

    there are 3 arty swords
    the holy sword (made from sifs soul and a +10 sword hilt)
    this scales with everything but it is split damage so the effectiveness varies and it requires a high level for max power

    the cursed sword (made from sifs soul and any +10 sword or greatsword)
    this technically scales with all stats but the faith and int don't seem to affect its pure physical damage but it still has consistent high damage. (same moveset and length as the holy ver)

    the abyss sword (made from artorias' soul in the dlc and a +10 great sword)
    requires 18 faith and int to use but does NOT scale with them, also scales with humanity, with 40 str and 40 dex and 10 humanity it outdamages the cursed version by a large amount and is pure physical damage, has unique strong attacks with the same long reach as the other swords.

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