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    I've checked the wiki....


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    I've checked the wiki.... Empty I've checked the wiki....

    Post by Flankydizzle Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:00 am

    The other night I invaded a helpless newbie in the depths as a friendly darkwraith, dropped him some basic 'later in the game' stuff and asked if he wants help and he was like 'omg yes xD' so i placed the white stone and he summoned me and I smashed the gaping dragon in like 1 minute (I've come to realise when there are two people fighting this boss he likes to ram himself into a wall and just stay there).

    But right near the boss fog either the staircase just before him or the one before that, I killed something I have never seen before and it dropped an item which the host picked up and told me was an egg vermifuge. I have NEVER seen this enemy before and it was really easy to kill... I checked the wikis etc but maybe I didn't check hard enough? From memory it almost looked like a maggot from Iizalith (I was a bit drunk at the time sorry).

    What was that thing?

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    I've checked the wiki.... Empty Re: I've checked the wiki....

    Post by Hue Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:11 am


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    I've checked the wiki.... Empty Re: I've checked the wiki....

    Post by Flankydizzle Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:15 am

    Yeah I guess that's it mate, thanks. It's just the player I invaded looked so new and in the wiki it says "Vagrants are rare monsters that appear in specific places after other players have died and lost a large amount of humanity, or have dropped certain items" and this host was just useless and didn't look capable of that lol thanks.
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    I've checked the wiki.... Empty Re: I've checked the wiki....

    Post by Tolvo Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:51 am

    The Vagrants can come from the actions of players in other worlds.

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    I've checked the wiki.... Empty Re: I've checked the wiki....

    Post by Hue Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:54 am

    What are the odds of someone dropping something that forms a vargant in someone else's world, and then invades and kills his own vagrant?
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    I've checked the wiki.... Empty Re: I've checked the wiki....

    Post by ublug Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:34 am

    Hachouma wrote:What are the odds of someone dropping something that forms a vargant in someone else's world, and then invades and kills his own vagrant?
    I guess very high, because of the p2p system you are only connected to a few players at a time. When you play online you can often see your own ghost, or the ghost of the other players you are currently with, the same probably applies to vagrants.

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    I've checked the wiki.... Empty Re: I've checked the wiki....

    Post by Odinbear Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:00 am

    ublug wrote:
    Hachouma wrote:What are the odds of someone dropping something that forms a vargant in someone else's world, and then invades and kills his own vagrant?
    I guess very high, because of the p2p system you are only connected to a few players at a time. When you play online you can often see your own ghost, or the ghost of the other players you are currently with, the same probably applies to vagrants.

    funny you say you can see your ghosts. I thought I did that the other day and certainly saw a hosts ghost. He stood there, did an R1 and I watched what looked to be his ghost do the same thing a few seconds later. ( I wondered if he saw it)

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    I've checked the wiki.... Empty Re: I've checked the wiki....

    Post by retro Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:27 pm

    Flankydizzle wrote:The other night I invaded a helpless newbie in the depths as a friendly darkwraith, dropped him some basic 'later in the game' stuff and asked if he wants help and he was like 'omg yes xD' so i placed the white stone and he summoned me and I smashed the gaping dragon in like 1 minute (I've come to realise when there are two people fighting this boss he likes to ram himself into a wall and just stay there).

    But right near the boss fog either the staircase just before him or the one before that, I killed something I have never seen before and it dropped an item which the host picked up and told me was an egg vermifuge. I have NEVER seen this enemy before and it was really easy to kill... I checked the wikis etc but maybe I didn't check hard enough? From memory it almost looked like a maggot from Iizalith (I was a bit drunk at the time sorry).

    What was that thing?
    Can you recall if it was red or white?

    It was certainly a "Good" vagrant, if it dropped an egg vermifuge (The Evil ones only drop humanity and twin humanity). However, I'm hoping to learn more about the good vagrants' drops and find out if the white and red ones have different drops.
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    I've checked the wiki.... Empty Re: I've checked the wiki....

    Post by JoeBroski09 Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:46 pm

    retro wrote:However, I'm hoping to learn more about the good vagrants' drops and find out if the white and red ones have different drops.
    Well, here's one more. The first time I saw a vagrant, it was good, and it was black. I killed it, it dropped a divine blessing. Ever since then, I've only seen 2 vagrants, and they were evil. I'm guessing it's because I don't care as much about the game story, so I do evil things. Like kill the gal who gives you WotG. She drops 7 humanity. *shrug*

    Also, the only time I saw a good one was when I was co-oping with my buddy. He and I both did good things. So, maybe that's it, too.

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