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    What is the best order to level up?


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    What is the best order to level up? Empty What is the best order to level up?

    Post by almiant Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:21 pm

    I am level 23 and my class is warrior and I usually level up Strength,dexterity or vitality
    How can I level up as good as possible and that is more useful?
    How is a good order to level up?
    Which states are important?

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    What is the best order to level up? Empty Re: What is the best order to level up?

    Post by Infighter Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:09 pm

    There is no "best" way to lvl up, you just lvl up what do you need at the moment

    Need more dmg? Get STR
    Dying fast? Get Vit
    Need some equip burden? Get End

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    What is the best order to level up? Empty Re: What is the best order to level up?

    Post by Candino Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:19 pm
    Duke's Archivist
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    What is the best order to level up? Empty Re: What is the best order to level up?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:21 pm

    I tend to level Vitality last because I like setting up my build first. Once I'm fully equipped and leveled then I pump health.
    Tyler Durden
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    What is the best order to level up? Empty Re: What is the best order to level up?

    Post by RANT Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:21 pm

    imo end is the most important, allows you to get better armor. if you are gonna use a str weapon level up str to 27 asap so you can two hand your weapon and have the same ar as 40 str(same with dex but level up to around 30 then go for 40) the most im portant ting to do is upgrade your armor and weapons, dont level up before you upgrade your favorite weapon and armor set up. if you're dying too much leveling up vit will not help much, upgrading your armor is more important.

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    What is the best order to level up? Empty Re: What is the best order to level up?

    Post by D2Synua Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:26 pm

    I usually go with enough STR/DEX to use my main weapons first, but i've been playing for a while so i don't really need to rely on VIT/END, at least not at the lower levels, and after i've met the minimum i usually go for END and then level up the stat that scales with the weapon i'll be using/vitality.

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    What is the best order to level up? Empty Re: What is the best order to level up?

    Post by twilightwarwolf Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:45 pm

    i level up all my stuff at the same time so really it goes on needs of the moment and keeping your self balanced so you have no real fault in you build but thats me

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    What is the best order to level up? Empty Re: What is the best order to level up?

    Post by Myztyrio Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:54 pm

    If you think you're going to get hit a lot, vitality.
    If you think you're apt at dodging, and want to carry more while doing a faster roll, endurance.(My first choice)
    If you prefer to do large melee damage early on, Str/Dex
    If you prefer to do large ranged damage early on, Int/Fth
    If you want the game to be very challenging, go ahead and only invest in Res. big grin

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    What is the best order to level up? Empty Re: What is the best order to level up?

    Post by FullSpe3D Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:55 pm

    If you're going Vit, Str, and Dex, you should put points into End. As a melee character, you need all the stamina you can get, and the equip load for heavier stuff. Just keep leveling the same stuff up, but do endurance as well basically.
    Abyss Dweller
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    What is the best order to level up? Empty Re: What is the best order to level up?

    Post by User1 Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:26 pm

    Whenever I start with the Warrior class, I only level up STR and DEX until level 65, where I start giving myself points in things like Vitality and Endurance.

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    What is the best order to level up? Empty Re: What is the best order to level up?

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