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    Missing Souls and Humanity but still human


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    Missing Souls and Humanity but still human Empty Missing Souls and Humanity but still human

    Post by SirPatrick Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:37 am

    I was playing PvP, I can't remember if I was summoned or not as using dragon eye, but once I was killed I went back to lord vessel and still human but no souls or humanity. I went looking for my bloodstain on my level and nothing (of course I didn't think the souls should have gone anyway), but people kept invading me and I don't think I had a bloodstain anywhere... glitched? I was playing (Edit) in pvp, he wouldn't take a point of damage with WoG x 3 hits.

    Can/Do people cheat that causes that?

    I lost approx 230,000 souls and 13 humanity

    Last edited by Baal-Avatar on Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:51 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Do not post player IDs)

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    Missing Souls and Humanity but still human Empty Re: Missing Souls and Humanity but still human

    Post by Automancer Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:42 am

    Are you on the PS3? If so, it's a glitch. I had it worse, i was fighting this really laggy dragonbro from Spain with 99 soft humanity and 80 million souls. I never payed any attention to my souls and only after a couple of matches did i notice that my souls when down to 84k. I lost my will to continue fighting that day.

    My souls were stolen from right under my nose. sad

    EDIT: Don't call out a person by their ID. Cuz they'll be blamed for something they might not have done and have no way of defending themselves if they didn't. O.O I have '666' posts!
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Missing Souls and Humanity but still human Empty Re: Missing Souls and Humanity but still human

    Post by The Letter X Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:19 am

    I've had the same thing happen on Xbox 360, and have heard of a few different people saying it happened to them. It sounds like it could either be a glitch or some kind of hack, but I'm thinking it's only a glitch.
    Stat Guru
    Stat Guru

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    Missing Souls and Humanity but still human Empty Re: Missing Souls and Humanity but still human

    Post by BLA1NE Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:39 pm

    I've had that happen using a white sign to duel. Forgot exactly what was causing it for me, but I think it was when I'd have my white sign down and quit the game without canceling the sign first. When I loaded the game again I'd be missing souls and 1 humanity, every time. Did you have the dragon eye down and quit the game a few times?

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