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    A realization about the dusk crown


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    A realization about the dusk crown Empty A realization about the dusk crown

    Post by Anchises Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:16 am

    So has anyone else noticed that the dusk crown is basically a mini set of Sanctuary Guardian wings?
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    A realization about the dusk crown Empty Re: A realization about the dusk crown

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:17 am

    No, never occurred to me. Is that really the case?

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    A realization about the dusk crown Empty Re: A realization about the dusk crown

    Post by Anchises Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:19 am

    It looks like it. My guess is that the crown came first, game development-wise, but it would make sense. Except the Sanctuary Guardian has great magic defense.

    I just don't know what else has four wings.
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    A realization about the dusk crown Empty Re: A realization about the dusk crown

    Post by GrinTwist Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:27 am

    I've never noticed it but it wouldn't surprise me.

    One of the things that you might notice about the Sanctuary Guardian is that it doesn't look affected by the abyss. It guards Oolacile from invaders, but due to the fact that it isn't an animal that is sentient like the large mushroom woman thing it might not know what's going on inside Oolacile or in an even worse case does and is trying to keep the darkness of the abyss from spreading.

    The reason why it's wings can be seen on the crown is because unlike the rest of the body the wings come off as a more peaceful part of it's body. The Oolacilians only practice peaceful magic so they probably made the wings of the Guardian a possible sign of peace. The reason for why they chose to use the Guardian's wings as their symbol might be because that type of creature is treated with respect due to religious reasons or for the simple fact that that type of creature is a rarity in the world of Dark Souls.

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    A realization about the dusk crown Empty Re: A realization about the dusk crown

    Post by SpecialNewb Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:47 am

    GrinTwist wrote:I've never noticed it but it wouldn't surprise me.

    One of the things that you might notice about the Sanctuary Guardian is that it doesn't look affected by the abyss. It guards Oolacile from invaders, but due to the fact that it isn't an animal that is sentient like the large mushroom woman thing it might not know what's going on inside Oolacile or in an even worse case does and is trying to keep the darkness of the abyss from spreading.
    I never thought about it before, but you're right. Maybe the last sane people in Oolacile set it to "guard mode" or something to keep people out until the Knights dealt with it. Though of course that whole first part of Royal Wood is visibly untainted, just feral.
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    A realization about the dusk crown Empty Re: A realization about the dusk crown

    Post by Sentiel Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:57 am

    Sanctuary Guardian is in the artbook, that was part of the Collector's Edition, although it's not named and I always asumed it to be the "goat demon" of whom the male undead merchant in Burg speaks.
    I just can't see any goat similarities in Capra Demon at all...

    Lore-wise, since it's a Sanctuary Guardian, I suppose it is some sort of holy/divine beast for people of Oolacile, so it would make sense for their princess to wear a crown with the ornament (wings) of their holy/divine beast.

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